
Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

Well, at least now we know that Aubrey and the flu shot don't get along.  My grandmother was in the hospital all week with the flu, so I called the pediatrician's office to get a flu shot set up for Aubrey (I don't usually get a flu shot, but I'm guessing I will this year--I can't stand the thought of her getting sick).  So we went Wednesday morning, and Aubrey was a trooper like always and got her shot.  Then we went to PT/OT, then we came home and she ate and took her afternoon nap.

 When she ate again around 5:30, she threw up.  She still acted hungry, so I waited a little while and then gave her some mashed bananas.  She waited about 45 minutes and threw that up.  I felt her head and it was hot; took her temp and it was 101 degrees.  Yikes!  She was lethargic and sleepy--she just laid in Adam's lap (and then my lap when Adam had to pass her off because he got too hot holding her).  No wiggling and trying to flip over and get down.  That was the scary part!  We tried giving her some Tylenol, but she gagged on it.  I finally got some down her around 8:30, and by about 9:15 she was super hungry.  She drank her entire bottle and then fell asleep and slept all night.  By morning, she was cool as a cucumber and hungry again.  She had no more fever and ate like a champ all day yesterday.  Whew.

The only bad thing is, she has to have a booster in a month.  At least we know how she'll react!
that's her "I feel better" silly face
The therapists continue to think she's doing well.  We'll go back every 2 weeks for a while.
very please with herself after yanking on dad's hair
 Aubrey is getting stronger and braver about standing up.  She still has blisters on the insides of her feet from her super-fast sniper crawl that she does all around the house. 

This is what happens when she throws up all over her clothes and her mama hasn't replenished the clothes supply in the diaper bag.  You wear what you have.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sometimes, when I get aggravated with Aubrey for pitching a fit and not wanting to eat (several times in a row), or overwhelmed with tiredness and she doesn't want to go to sleep and is sitting in her crib crying, or my legs are worn out from running up and down the stairs at work 500 times to check on her, I try to stop my tired brain for a minute and think about the positives... far she's come... well she's growing...
...that she's getting very close to going to size 3 diapers...
...that she likes every single solid food she's tried so far...
...that she can even eat from a spoon at all...
...that she can sit up and pull herself up and crawl like crazy... she reaches for me to pick her up... she buries her head on my shoulder when she's sleepy... she uses her little teeth to gnaw on whatever I'm trying to eat at the time...
...the noises that she makes when she tries to talk...
...the way she likes to bang different toys together to hear the noises they make... she smiles and squeals at Adam when he gets home from work... she laughs at random things when we're in the store...
...the way she giggles at everything her cousins do...
...the way her hair curls into a mohawk on the top of her head...

I could go on for days, but I won't.  She's a super amazing kid. 

I think I might have mentioned that previously.

I just have to remind myself how awesome she is when I've had her all to myself for 72 straight hours and I need a break. :)


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, September 13, 2013

I realized today that it's been a while since I wrote an update on us...we're still boring. :) 

My cute little Bulldog
But really, Aubrey is doing great.  She had to go to PT/OT for 4 weeks in a row; they wanted to see how much progress she made not skipping weeks.  She did really well and has improved her techniques somewhat--she now sits very well on her own and can catch herself pretty well if she starts to topple over.  We still have some bumps on the head, but we'll have those for a while to come.  She still likes to stand up as much as we'll let her, and she's pulling up on stuff in the house now.  Adam caught her pulling up on something in the living room and then she let go and stood for a second by herself. 

Such a smiley baby.
 She has a set of wooden boxes with wooden shapes and numbers that go with them--she likes to bang them on the floor and on each other, and occasionally (accidentally) on her head.  Loud noises don't seem to bother her--on the contrary, she tends to laugh.  She laughs when Adam shoots in the backyard; she laughs when I take her downstairs to see the noisy birds at work; she laughs when she pulls my hair and I tell her "no."  (I think we're going to have some trouble in the future if that last one's any indication.) 

Not sure that's proper bouncer usage, but it's cute.
One thing has improved--she now takes about a 2 hour nap every afternoon.  Much better than her little 30 minute cat naps that she was taking.  This also gives mama a chance to get things done and not spend half the day fighting with the baby to get her to sleep.

She loves her pacifier when she gets sleepy, and she makes weird little talking noises when she has it in.

She loves to gnaw on my apple cores and scrape little bits off with her two bottom barracuda-sharp teeth.
Nom, nom, nom.

She crawls really fast around the bottom floor of the house and laughs when you sneak up on her and scare her.

Always remember that when you're eating pureed carrots, if you laugh really hard carrots will come flying out of your mouth. :)
She belly laughs at the strangest things, and it's pretty much the best sound ever.
