
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22, 2014

 Aubrey is finally feeling better.  We got done with the 10 days of antibiotic this past Sunday, and her cough and runny nose are gone (yay!).  The antibiotic also gave her diarrhea (TMI, I know), so thankfully that's gone too.  She's up to eight teeth now--eight! AND...she has taken a few little steps several times over the last couple of days.  That's steps without holding on to anything.  She's still wobbly and unsure, but I have a feeling she's going to take off running before we know it.

Cutie in her hat, coat and shoes after swinging outside.

 Hopefully she'll be walking better by the time we go to therapy again next week.  We went last week, and the one word that best describes it is...DISASTER.  She hadn't been in about a month because they were closed for the holidays.  She cried for the first 30 minutes straight.  She wouldn't do anything they wanted her to do, so they put her in the swing to calm her down.  She still wasn't thrilled, but they did what they could. There were several times I almost went in and stopped the whole thing, but I knew that wouldn't help matters.  I was crying too by the time the hour was up and I got to hold Aubrey again.  Hopefully next week will be better!

To completely change the subject:

When Adam and I got married, neither one of us was so sure about doing the baby thing.  We both thought it was more fun to play with my nephew (just one was here at the time) and then send him home with his parents.  We thought we'd always want it to only be the two of us, to be able to go away for a weekend or two weeks easily, to not have to worry about fitting a baby's schedule around our schedule.  Obviously, time changed our minds, and, looking back, I'm glad.  As I sat rocking Aubrey to sleep a couple of nights ago, her head on my chest, her fingers scrunching her blankie over and over, her big brown eyes slipping under her heavy eyelids for longer periods of time, I realized that we would have missed so very much if we'd kept it to just the two of us.  There's nothing quite like having Aubrey lay her head on my shoulder or reach her hand up to pat my face.

I made it back to Sunday school at church this week for the first time since Aubrey was born.  It's just tough to get there in time between getting her fed and ready and us fed and ready and then making the 40 minute drive.  But, circumstances worked out today and what did the lesson happen to be about? The value of human life, from unborn children to the elderly.  It talked about how God knows each person from the moment they're conceived and pieces them together in the womb.  

I saw some friends get into a debate about abortion on Facebook (that bastion of common sense *insert sarcasm*). Now I'm not one to get into a debate over abortion laws in this country; for one thing, debating makes me ill. Nauseously ill. Secondly, I don't like to get into politics and make it about what the government makes it legal or illegal to do.  The fact is, in some states abortions can be performed up until 24 weeks gestation.  If someone would like to argue with me that a baby is not really a baby at 24 weeks, that it's just a "clump of cells" or a "fetus," I'd be glad to have a go with them.  I have a ton of physical evidence to the contrary. See the above pictures.

Okie dokie.  Jumping down from the soapbox. :)


 P.S. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pictures were taken by my boss, Sue.  She's been wanting Aubrey to be a model for a while now, and we finally got around to it.  I call these her 15.5-month-old-almost-12-month-old-portraits. :)

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2014

 Happy 2014!
This is her serious "don't bother me, I'm watching the evening news" face.

I can't believe it's 2014 already! And the 13th day of 2014 already!  Cripes!

Watch this video of Aubrey laughing her head off.  This is the only circumstance under which it is acceptable for her to not be able to breathe. ;)

Well, 2014 brought Aubrey's first sickness...she has a sinus infection.  It started out as a runny nose with a little fever (that came and went quickly) and cough...worry wart mama took her to the doctor to make sure it wasn't something serious.  Well, it was just a cold then, but it hung around and the cough got a lot worse.  We went back to the doctor this past Friday and ended up on an antibiotic.  That's just been REALLY so much FUN to try and get her to take the past few days...and we have 6 more days of it (10 in all).  I try to sneak it into her food, but she somehow uses her Spidey-sense and knows which spoonful it's in.  Plus all the coughing triggers her uber-sensitive gag reflex and that makes her throw up.  It's been an interesting week.  I'm just ready for the cough to vamoose.  She's still generally been her happy go-lucky self, but you can tell she's sick to death of me wiping her nose (I'm sick of it too, not to mention tired of being thrown up on). 

Reading a book with dad on a cold day.
Nothing else too exciting, I don't think.  We're still making laps around the house with her walker-toy--she hasn't  made the transition to walking yet, though when she's standing up it looks like she's going to take that step any second.  We head back to PT/OT on Wednesday, so we'll see what they have to say about her then.
