
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

This week is making me think a whole lot of "this time last year..." thoughts.  This time last year, I barely had a speed bump of a belly that you could only see if I showed it off.  This time last year, I was reveling in the kickboxing that was going on in that little belly.  This time last year, Adam and I had only known for 3 weeks that our little one was a girl; we were still bandying baby names about and physically I felt amazing.  Things were just about as perfect as they could be.  So that was the point in the movie when the music usually takes a dark turn and everything is just too good and you know that something bad is about to happen...

Aubrey's sweet profile, 9/25/12
Sorry to be morose.  I wonder if this time of year will always be tough from now on.  I'm cutting myself some slack since it's not even a year since this crazy preemie-baby-journey began.  Just like the rest of the year, I'm going to take it one day at a time.

my speed bump, Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 3 days before Aubrey was born

1 comment:

  1. This has been a rough hear for you and Adam, but look at what you have, such a beautiful child with a sneaky little grin that will make you smile every time you see it. This time of year will always bring back the memories of last year, but they will get better each year. My daughter passed away on November 25, 1995 and every day something will remind you of things she did or said, you will never forget but it will get easier. Christmas was her favorite time of year, so on November 25th I will turn on my Christmas lights to celebrate her life and try not to be sad.
    In saying all of that, I was trying to say it will get easier, but you will never forget your experience and all that you and Adam have accomplished in this year. Your little "Stinker" is the proof of that. You have a Blessed Day and will be thinking about you on the 20th. Pat
