
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 5, 2014

The last blog post says that Aubrey had taken several steps--she's now up to about 10 or 12  as her top number of steps at a time.  We went back to therapy today (we were supposed to go last week but it was canceled because of the bad weather), and she only cried on and off this time, not half an hour straight.  She also did the things they asked her to, unlike last time when she flat out refused.  The OT said that she thought Aubrey COULD walk further than she does because she doesn't fall--she just stops and sits down like she's just done with it all.  She also said that she thinks Aubrey's fussing during therapy has to do with sensory overload; she thinks Aubrey doesn't like all that change at once.  New people, new toys making noise, other children making noise, the therapists asking her to do tough things that she hasn't done's just a little too much sometimes.  We're going back next week so we can get back on our regular day and schedule, so hopefully going back so soon will make it easier.
She knows what the remote does and points it at the tv, the stinker.

Aubrey wasn't particularly impressed with the snow last week.  Thankfully that Wednesday and Thursday were Adam's normal days off, so he didn't have to work in all that mess.  I stayed home on Wednesday, so we all stayed snug and warm in our house most of the day.  We did bundle up that morning and take a walk around our neighborhood and let Aubrey touch the snow and stomp around in it a little.  She smacked her hand down into it them promptly shook it all off and gave me a look that said, "Are you kidding me with this stuff?" We got some cute pictures though. :)

Aubrey had her 15 month check up with the pediatrician last Monday: she weighs 15lb 13oz (so close to 16!) and is 28.5 inches long.  She's still on the charts for height at the 5th percentile, and still hasn't hit the chart for weight.  She's still growing just fine though according to the pediatrician, because her weight is still on the same curve as it has been since she was in the NICU.  The doctor was impressed with all her teeth and her almost-walking.  Aubrey took everything like a champ until the 2 shots came around (though she didn't appreciate having her ears looked in, either).  

Thankfully Adam's coat is big enough for two. :)


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