
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Aubrey had her first trip to the beach this weekend.  She wasn't very impressed with having to stay in the car seat for 3.5 hours to get there--she screamed/cried for about an hour until she finally took her pacifier and went to sleep.  She was such a good baby the whole time we were there though.  And now I shall let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

She cried for a long time on the way there in protest of how tired she was.  She finally just went to sleep.

We covered her as much as possible so she wouldn't get in the sun.

She was the coolest baby there.  By far.

Out to eat after the beach.

It rained.  A lot.  Both times we went to the beach.  The second day was a washout, but the boy cousins played anyway.

Aubrey put her toes in the sand--she wasn't sure about it.

And then it rained some more.  We hid under our tent.  Aubrey couldn't have cared less.  She took a nap.

We got to go out for another minute to splash.

She played hard with her cousins who adore her.

She played so hard that she slept most of the way home.


1 comment:

  1. That is so cute, I sure hope Adam kept a good eye out for all the little boy babies!! With her cute little outfits don't want them getting ideas.
    So glad you had a good time and a chance to get out. Pat
