
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

1600 hours (4 pm)

I am finally awake after working last night. Keli has been with Aubrey at the hospital most of the afternoon.

Aubrey has been having breathing episodes all day. They took her off the ventilator and she is breathing on her own (mostly) with 25 sigh breaths from the cpap machine. That's a lot of sigh breaths, but still normal considering everything. The good thing is that she is off the oxygen machine. Her one eye is slightly beginning the process of opening. Her weight is at 1 lb 7 oz. Her feeding was upped to 3 ml and she had her first diaper blowout! Her tummy is a little swollen, so they gotta watch that because if it becomes too swollen they have to pump her stomach, let it rest, then reset the feeding. It's normal they say. They put a foot warmer on her, to draw the blood to the surface, then poked her foot to draw some blood to test, and then stated her levels were correct.

She is trending in the correct direction. We just have to bring her sigh breaths down, have less breathing episodes, and continue feeding.

Her new shades are laying beside her. A little big, but what isn't these days. The nurse wrapped her head, and gave her a couple of bunny ears with the corners of the fabric to dress her up for Halloween.

Dear God,
Help me to be brave while I am in this machine to help me grow.

1 comment:

  1. Keli and Adam, I work with Glen Bollinger who was sweet enough to send me the link to your blog. Both of my sons were born premature. Phillip (now 23 years old!) was born at 32 weeks weighing 3 lbs., 10 oz. and Brett (now 15 years old!) was born at 27 weeks weighing 2 lbs. 3 oz. Both were at University and Dr. Brawley, Dr. Sharpe and Dr. Blalock were their doctors. Please know that I'm praying for you and Aubrey. Please let me know if you just need to talk to someone who's been there! Phyllis Swain
