
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

1240 hours (12:40pm)

Aubrey's tummy was full of air from the sipap machine (I have been incorrectly calling it a cpap machine) and so they had to discontinue the feedings last night. She still is at 1 lb 7 oz with the feedings stopped. They ran another test for infections and it was clear. Both of her feet are bandaged up, wrapped in cotton from the testing. Her feeding tube was reinstalled and it was taped down. This time they put a piece of tape on her chin, then put the tube in her mouth, and taped the tube to the tape already attached. This will work better I think since she they had such a hard time keeping the tape attached before when they only taped the tube to her chin. But I am sure if it's loose, she will pry it out.

I was looking at her hair, to me it looks a dark color, but there is a predominate red hue to her head. Might be the hair, might be the skin. So collectively, considering all the circumstances and information, she might have red hair. :)

And of course, while Keli is in there, she has a breathing episode. Her oxygen level and heartbeat dropped significantly and they had to not only play with her foot, but jiggle her up and flip her around to get her back breathing again. Argh. But that is normal for her. She was doing so good before the neck surgery but they gotta get her back to it. She will. 

Keli is tired, and still is on the emotional roller coaster. Don't tell her I told ya'll about that. But she is handling it like a champ. She really is. I can never keep track of what day of the week it is, I have always relied on Keli to keep me straight. Yesterday for the first time, signs of tiredness taking its toll on her showed up as she was confused as to what day of the week it was. (I had to use my fancy dancy iphone 5 to confirm that it really was Wednesday.) So we laugh, and we spend quality time together on the couch. I try to catch as many tears as I can and be there for her.

I know I have said this before, but thank you for all the support you have given us. Over a hundred different people a day read this blog and we get emails from people we don't even know encouraging us that have been through the same situation. I don't ever want anyone, at any time, to ever say to Aubrey that there is something that she can't do.

All warm and snuggled with fresh diaper and everything tucked.

Getting her trigger finger warmed up. You can see the stitches where she had her cut down procedure going away like they are supposed to. Her arm is still bruised, but it is better.

Her prayer in her condo.

There's keli's red hair, and you can see Aubrey's head. Looks similar.

 Please join us is reading Psalms 13.
- Adam

My little sweet potato had fewer episodes this afternoon, and she was still handling feedings well.  I got to hold her for a minute again while the nurse changed her bedding out.  While we were watching her, she did one of her kickboxing routines (her nurse today called it 'baby aerobics') and squirmed her way completely out of her was hanging off of one leg (and it wasn't a clean diaper, either). :) 


Dear God,
Please help me to be brave while I am in this machine to help me grow.
- Aubrey

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for sweet Aubrey and her precious family in Texas. We send prayers for Aubrey to grow and get stronger each day. Stay strong and God will continue to carry you through. Love and prayers coming your way from Texas from The Aldred's (Pat, Cyndy and Bella)
