I awoke Friday morning at about 1130 and walked down stairs
to do something. Then I walked back upstairs to my room to where my phone was
plugged in and saw 5 missed calls from Keli and a text telling me to call her.
Uh oh. Did she have another fender bender? Did a bird die? What happened? And
of course she didn't answer when I called back. So I called her boss who told me she was having
some side pain and went to the Dr a while ago. Oh ok I thought. Routine
stuff. Just being cautious. Finally she calls back and between tears and sobs
says something about going to the hospital and dilated. Crap. Ok, one thing at a
time. Stabilize Keli, grab hospital bag, tell boss I can't work tonight and
then go to the hospital.
So I calm Keli down, but wait! No hospital bag! Argh. I was waiting for another month to do that and now I need it! Nah. Not really. All I need is a charger for my phone because we will be home later. So I shower and head to University hospital. Dang gas gauge showing 1/4 tank. Stop and refuel a little. Don't need a lot just a little more in case I get in a hurry. I burn a significant amount of gas getting to the hospital and wait for Keli. She comes in her chariot (ambulance) with no lights on and pulls into the emergency entrance escorted by two EMS people. They are nice and I help them pull the stretcher out and set it down. We wheel Keli in and stop by registration and adjust her info from Doctor’s hospital. They had her as a black female still living in Dearing Georgia. Once that gets straightened out, her parents and I walk to a room labeled labor and delivery. I never caught that clue. We go in and they start hooking up the IV and asking birthing-type questions. The nurse asked her who she wanted in the delivery room when we had a baby. Hm, never thought of that before. Demerol? Too early for those questions. Ask us in few months. We are just here for a checkup sort of thing. Then I heard a nurse use the word high risk. Then phrases like "flat on her back." "Contractions." All those type words and phrases. They never really sunk in though. When I asked the nurse how long we would be there she said at least a couple of days. Really? I thought. Keli looks fine. Just give her a pill and we will go home. We have had no problems whatsoever. Then another nurse says something about staying there until the due date. Huh what? No way. Oh well she is a nurse and not a Dr so she is just making assumptions. Hurry up and give her the feel-better pill.
After a while reality starts setting in. I was noticing the special bed Keli was in. It had handles on it for gripping, and a whole bunch of other stuff attached to it. A monitor was placed on the baby to hear her heart beat , which was strong and whooshing right along. No problems there. So why are we here?
The neonatology Dr showed up and sat down. He said the word premature. Do what? We are not about to have a premature baby. Not this early. It's way too early. Do they survive? Oh that question was horrible. Don't let that come out. Don't ask that question. The Dr said a few things then asked if we had any questions which we didn't and then left. Ok. Uh this is getting serious. But that was the baby Dr. Not an Ob-gyn doc. So we're good.
Then the Ob-gyn comes in and explains what all is going on. Labor has started and the goal is to slow down the contractions and stay calm. Ok. But the baby's heart is good. I can hear it. It's steady going on the speaker. It's comforting because I am a little overwhelmed. By the way... did she just say labor? What’s that?
So I brace for a long night and long few months. Keli will be in the hospital and I will be close. How in the world am I going to do this? When I look at Keli, I can see a horrified terror in her eyes. She doesn't know what to do and something seems horribly wrong to her. I am terrified too but I gotta be strong. I can't cry, I can't look horrified or even act scared. Oh it's hard cause it’s my daughter I am worried about. This isn’t some call I am on and it's not someone that I don't know.
Things are slowing down. Thankfully some family have come by and brought dinner and gave me some cash to use in the vending machines if we needed anything. All those things I was going to put in the hospital bag. We talk about letting people know outside of the family so they can start praying. It starts to get dark outside and the texts and phone calls start to come in checking on us. We don't know anything, just pray for us. I begin to think about securing my truck and make sure the dog is fed. Thanks to the neighbors for doing that for us. And family for helping at the hospital.
It's getting late in the evening. Family needs toward to go home and things begin to quiet down a bit more. The contractions are still there, I can see them on the monitors and still hear her little heart chugging along. I think we can hold what we got.
So many things on my mind. Gotta think big picture. Prepare for the worst. Great day... not cool. Those are not good thoughts to think about. Birthing classes where in three weeks. I am so unprepared.
I get Keli calmed down enough to sleep a little. She has so much mag in her, that her speech is slightly slurred and she is lethargic. I wanted to read to her, to put her to sleep, but the only thing I had was my phone. (something else that was going to be in the hospital bag - book) So I read from my phone the book of Genesis. She goes to sleep and I curl up on a couch with blankets keeping me warm. But every little while Keli wakes up and needs attention by the nurse. So I get her and she takes care of things. We are on tip toes cause we don't want her water to break (what does that mean anyways) (baby classes in three weeks) and if it does we might be in more trouble or that might take care of the problem for now. Hmm what does that mean? So it's just me and Keli and I am laying back on the couch trying to sleep and she lets out a little yelp and I know what that meant. Argh. Water just broke. Still didn't know what that was. I kept asking Keli if that’s what it was, and she wouldn’t answer me, wouldn’t describe it. She was so scared that it had broken. So I got the nurse and she tested it and sure enough it was the water.
The ultrasound machine had been left in the room and another respiratory machine had been moved into the small room making it even smaller. The nurse pages the doc that water broke. I ask Keli do you want me to tell the parents yet. No she says. Wait until we know more. So I wait a couple min and then text them anyway. Water broke.
Dr comes in and operates the ultrasound machine. It shows the baby in the channel (what does that mean ) head down and ready to come. Dr ware says "I am sorry we are going to have a baby". Do what? How do you do that ? What do you mean you are sorry? But I can't ask in front of Keli cause if it’s bad news I don't want her to hear it.
As Keli says, the room turned into overdrive. More nurses come into the already crowded room, towels and gowns are spread around and oops I just spilled some water from Keli's water cup on the floor. Cleaned it up with a towel and I am wondering if I need a gown or wash my hands or do I need a camera or people or anything else? Hmm who did Keli want in the delivery room? Is this room equipped for a delivery? How do you breathe? How do you help? Oh what do I do? Just time enough to send three texts to family that baby is coming.
Thankfully Kim, the nurse, was so wonderful. She coaxed me and Keli and Keli was put into position. Her mom and dad showed up and stood in the corner. I tried to keep her dad out before he walked in but that didn't work. He kissed his daughter and stepped behind the curtain. Kim told Keli to not push yet, they were still getting ready, then told her to push and how to do it.
I was trying to watch baby come out and saw her head sticking out. So small... and Keli would push and more would stick out. I was crying uncontrollably. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. They were tears of joy mixed with absolute agony. My brother's first daughter only lived 4 hours and I didn't want to go through the same thing. I had to be strong for Keli but those dang tears got in the way. Then I was asked if I wanted to cut the cord and was handed a silver pair of scissors. Oh ok. Is it ok that I do that? Where do I do that? I cannot see for the tears. So I wipe my eyes on my sleeve and see where they point and I snip snip. I hear three little cries. Oh my. She is there! I let go of Keli, grab my phone and as they lay her down on the respiratory table I snap her first pic. Then back to Keli. She is ok. She got to see her. Her eyes are dry and she asks for some water which I give her. She is so worried.
We had decided her name but not who was going to announce it. Was I going to or Keli? Was I going to say "hey Aubrey" as she came out or incorporate her name in a sentence like, “Doesn’t Aubrey look beautiful” or something like that. Well I didn't want to take that privilege from Keli if she had wanted to so I waited for her. She was waiting on me but could not hold it in anymore and announced, “Her name is Aubrey.”
Then the nurse asks me to come with her to see where they take little Aubrey. Uh hmm. I want to stay with my wife because I can't leave her side but I want to know where Aubrey goes because I might not see her again for a while. I rush out with Aubrey and Keli’s parents and halfway down the hallway realize that Keli has no family around her. I ask Claudia her mother to go back and me and Darrell her dad continue down the hallway to the NICU. We arrive and there are about 8 nurses gathering around her. I took a pic of the nurses and then I was told I could stand next to Aubrey. I did and said good morning to her. She was so small.
The NICU then told me to leave as they prepared her and one nurse said that her oxygen level was already better in last couple of minutes. I rushed back to Keli and told her the news and prepared her to get into the wheelchair to take her to her next room. She seemed kinda out of it and I had no idea why but I was busy gathering up everyone's stuff in the room. Then I wheeled her down the hall to the NICU and Keli got to see her in her condo as they were working on Aubrey. We went to the room Keli was assigned to and they checked her in and the adrenaline began to subside. We were exhausted. We planned to rest a couple of hours and go back to see Aubrey.
A couple hours later I was awakened to a nursing student putting a blanket over me that had fallen off during my sleep. I sat up, evaluated the threat, then went back to sleep as I realized it was benign.
A couple hours later I awakened and walked with Keli back down to the NICU and met with nursing staff. Reality still had not set in as we were there.
I always heard parents refer to their babies as beautiful. Uh huh. Sure. You are biased. Well, it happened to me. Every time I look at Aubrey I just stare at her because she is beautiful.
So I calm Keli down, but wait! No hospital bag! Argh. I was waiting for another month to do that and now I need it! Nah. Not really. All I need is a charger for my phone because we will be home later. So I shower and head to University hospital. Dang gas gauge showing 1/4 tank. Stop and refuel a little. Don't need a lot just a little more in case I get in a hurry. I burn a significant amount of gas getting to the hospital and wait for Keli. She comes in her chariot (ambulance) with no lights on and pulls into the emergency entrance escorted by two EMS people. They are nice and I help them pull the stretcher out and set it down. We wheel Keli in and stop by registration and adjust her info from Doctor’s hospital. They had her as a black female still living in Dearing Georgia. Once that gets straightened out, her parents and I walk to a room labeled labor and delivery. I never caught that clue. We go in and they start hooking up the IV and asking birthing-type questions. The nurse asked her who she wanted in the delivery room when we had a baby. Hm, never thought of that before. Demerol? Too early for those questions. Ask us in few months. We are just here for a checkup sort of thing. Then I heard a nurse use the word high risk. Then phrases like "flat on her back." "Contractions." All those type words and phrases. They never really sunk in though. When I asked the nurse how long we would be there she said at least a couple of days. Really? I thought. Keli looks fine. Just give her a pill and we will go home. We have had no problems whatsoever. Then another nurse says something about staying there until the due date. Huh what? No way. Oh well she is a nurse and not a Dr so she is just making assumptions. Hurry up and give her the feel-better pill.
After a while reality starts setting in. I was noticing the special bed Keli was in. It had handles on it for gripping, and a whole bunch of other stuff attached to it. A monitor was placed on the baby to hear her heart beat , which was strong and whooshing right along. No problems there. So why are we here?
The neonatology Dr showed up and sat down. He said the word premature. Do what? We are not about to have a premature baby. Not this early. It's way too early. Do they survive? Oh that question was horrible. Don't let that come out. Don't ask that question. The Dr said a few things then asked if we had any questions which we didn't and then left. Ok. Uh this is getting serious. But that was the baby Dr. Not an Ob-gyn doc. So we're good.
Then the Ob-gyn comes in and explains what all is going on. Labor has started and the goal is to slow down the contractions and stay calm. Ok. But the baby's heart is good. I can hear it. It's steady going on the speaker. It's comforting because I am a little overwhelmed. By the way... did she just say labor? What’s that?
So I brace for a long night and long few months. Keli will be in the hospital and I will be close. How in the world am I going to do this? When I look at Keli, I can see a horrified terror in her eyes. She doesn't know what to do and something seems horribly wrong to her. I am terrified too but I gotta be strong. I can't cry, I can't look horrified or even act scared. Oh it's hard cause it’s my daughter I am worried about. This isn’t some call I am on and it's not someone that I don't know.
Things are slowing down. Thankfully some family have come by and brought dinner and gave me some cash to use in the vending machines if we needed anything. All those things I was going to put in the hospital bag. We talk about letting people know outside of the family so they can start praying. It starts to get dark outside and the texts and phone calls start to come in checking on us. We don't know anything, just pray for us. I begin to think about securing my truck and make sure the dog is fed. Thanks to the neighbors for doing that for us. And family for helping at the hospital.
It's getting late in the evening. Family needs toward to go home and things begin to quiet down a bit more. The contractions are still there, I can see them on the monitors and still hear her little heart chugging along. I think we can hold what we got.
So many things on my mind. Gotta think big picture. Prepare for the worst. Great day... not cool. Those are not good thoughts to think about. Birthing classes where in three weeks. I am so unprepared.
I get Keli calmed down enough to sleep a little. She has so much mag in her, that her speech is slightly slurred and she is lethargic. I wanted to read to her, to put her to sleep, but the only thing I had was my phone. (something else that was going to be in the hospital bag - book) So I read from my phone the book of Genesis. She goes to sleep and I curl up on a couch with blankets keeping me warm. But every little while Keli wakes up and needs attention by the nurse. So I get her and she takes care of things. We are on tip toes cause we don't want her water to break (what does that mean anyways) (baby classes in three weeks) and if it does we might be in more trouble or that might take care of the problem for now. Hmm what does that mean? So it's just me and Keli and I am laying back on the couch trying to sleep and she lets out a little yelp and I know what that meant. Argh. Water just broke. Still didn't know what that was. I kept asking Keli if that’s what it was, and she wouldn’t answer me, wouldn’t describe it. She was so scared that it had broken. So I got the nurse and she tested it and sure enough it was the water.
The ultrasound machine had been left in the room and another respiratory machine had been moved into the small room making it even smaller. The nurse pages the doc that water broke. I ask Keli do you want me to tell the parents yet. No she says. Wait until we know more. So I wait a couple min and then text them anyway. Water broke.
Dr comes in and operates the ultrasound machine. It shows the baby in the channel (what does that mean ) head down and ready to come. Dr ware says "I am sorry we are going to have a baby". Do what? How do you do that ? What do you mean you are sorry? But I can't ask in front of Keli cause if it’s bad news I don't want her to hear it.
As Keli says, the room turned into overdrive. More nurses come into the already crowded room, towels and gowns are spread around and oops I just spilled some water from Keli's water cup on the floor. Cleaned it up with a towel and I am wondering if I need a gown or wash my hands or do I need a camera or people or anything else? Hmm who did Keli want in the delivery room? Is this room equipped for a delivery? How do you breathe? How do you help? Oh what do I do? Just time enough to send three texts to family that baby is coming.
Thankfully Kim, the nurse, was so wonderful. She coaxed me and Keli and Keli was put into position. Her mom and dad showed up and stood in the corner. I tried to keep her dad out before he walked in but that didn't work. He kissed his daughter and stepped behind the curtain. Kim told Keli to not push yet, they were still getting ready, then told her to push and how to do it.
I was trying to watch baby come out and saw her head sticking out. So small... and Keli would push and more would stick out. I was crying uncontrollably. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. They were tears of joy mixed with absolute agony. My brother's first daughter only lived 4 hours and I didn't want to go through the same thing. I had to be strong for Keli but those dang tears got in the way. Then I was asked if I wanted to cut the cord and was handed a silver pair of scissors. Oh ok. Is it ok that I do that? Where do I do that? I cannot see for the tears. So I wipe my eyes on my sleeve and see where they point and I snip snip. I hear three little cries. Oh my. She is there! I let go of Keli, grab my phone and as they lay her down on the respiratory table I snap her first pic. Then back to Keli. She is ok. She got to see her. Her eyes are dry and she asks for some water which I give her. She is so worried.
We had decided her name but not who was going to announce it. Was I going to or Keli? Was I going to say "hey Aubrey" as she came out or incorporate her name in a sentence like, “Doesn’t Aubrey look beautiful” or something like that. Well I didn't want to take that privilege from Keli if she had wanted to so I waited for her. She was waiting on me but could not hold it in anymore and announced, “Her name is Aubrey.”
Then the nurse asks me to come with her to see where they take little Aubrey. Uh hmm. I want to stay with my wife because I can't leave her side but I want to know where Aubrey goes because I might not see her again for a while. I rush out with Aubrey and Keli’s parents and halfway down the hallway realize that Keli has no family around her. I ask Claudia her mother to go back and me and Darrell her dad continue down the hallway to the NICU. We arrive and there are about 8 nurses gathering around her. I took a pic of the nurses and then I was told I could stand next to Aubrey. I did and said good morning to her. She was so small.
The NICU then told me to leave as they prepared her and one nurse said that her oxygen level was already better in last couple of minutes. I rushed back to Keli and told her the news and prepared her to get into the wheelchair to take her to her next room. She seemed kinda out of it and I had no idea why but I was busy gathering up everyone's stuff in the room. Then I wheeled her down the hall to the NICU and Keli got to see her in her condo as they were working on Aubrey. We went to the room Keli was assigned to and they checked her in and the adrenaline began to subside. We were exhausted. We planned to rest a couple of hours and go back to see Aubrey.
A couple hours later I was awakened to a nursing student putting a blanket over me that had fallen off during my sleep. I sat up, evaluated the threat, then went back to sleep as I realized it was benign.
A couple hours later I awakened and walked with Keli back down to the NICU and met with nursing staff. Reality still had not set in as we were there.
I always heard parents refer to their babies as beautiful. Uh huh. Sure. You are biased. Well, it happened to me. Every time I look at Aubrey I just stare at her because she is beautiful.
Adam...(((hugs))) to you and your beautiful family! We are all rooting and cheering for Aubrey! Love....your wives' pw sisters!