
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

We called this morning and they kept the sipap machine on but turned the rate all the way down. She is still 1 lb 14 oz and will probably start feeding again. Dr was making rounds early this morning so we will find out more later. We are at church now and can't wait to see Aubrey in a little while.



Aubrey had a really good day.  She was still on the cpap with no back up rate and on room air this afternoon.  She had one or two episodes today, but they weren't severe and she brought her stats back up on her own.  She's still wiggling and kickboxing away.  They started her feedings back about 10 this morning...only a tiny amount compared to what she was getting when she went off feedings last, but she has to work her way back up again, this time preferably without the spitting up and the major episodes.  

Aubrey now has a quilt covering her bed that my aunt Pam made for her.  It's made up of squares covered in Bible verses and words of encouragement from her family members.  The back side is made of patches of shirts, pants, ties, whatever, from those same family members.  It's way cool.  She also made her a little quilt to go inside her condo to lay on that matches the big one.  Aubrey's the coolest baby on the block. :)

I guess I've come further emotionally than I thought in the last few weeks.  We had to stop at Walmart tonight on the way home from the hospital for a couple of things.  Like always, there were 4 checkout lines open and approximately 5 million people waiting in each line.  When this happened 3.5 weeks ago, I had a minor meltdown, crying on Adam's shoulder while holding an armful of groceries (get a cart? No way.  We only need three things!) that we were never going to get out of there and that I just wanted to go home.  Embarrassing?  Quite.  Tonight, I made a joke about the never-ending lines and smiled at the checkout lady.  Maybe I'm getting better, or maybe the hormones are just leveling out.  Either way, not making a spectacle of myself in Walmart, of all places, is a good thing.


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