
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

7 a.m.

The nurse I talked to this morning said, "there's really nothing to report!" :) She had a good night--they turned the back up rate on her SiPAP down (that's a good thing), and she's up to 1lb 8oz (only 1 more oz to birth weight!). On a side note, Aubrey's mama is really really hoping she gets to hold her sweet pea today. 

I think I've been handling my emotions a little better the last couple of days (and I probably just jinxed myself).  I only had one cry-baby moment yesterday--mom and I went back into the NICU to sit with Aubrey after lunch, and the sweet couple who had twins last week was there, each holding a baby and snuggling with them, no gloves required.  If one can literally turn green with envy, I think it happened to me then--my mom is my witness.  I tried to ignore them and focus on Aubrey who, of course, was doing cute things in her preemie condo, but that need to touch her skin-to-skin is just eating me up.  The last time Adam and I were both there and the nurse offered to let Adam hold her, he said no...not because he didn't want to--he really did--but because he wanted to let me hold her instead.  He said, "I want to hold her, but you NEED to hold her.  I don't have that same need as you, so I'll hold her next time."  He can be pretty insightful for a tough guy. ;-)


2000 hours (8:00 pm)

Keli told me that she got to hold Aubrey for about an hour today. That was great. Most of Aubrey's fan club stopped by to say hey this weekend so there has been lots of visitors. 

The siPAP has been turned up and down, but now holding steady at 12 breaths per minute. That's really great. No other breathing episodes throughout the day. She is now receiving 5 ml of milk every three hours. Her skin color is starting to look better as all the bruising is healing, and she is starting to grow I believe. 


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