Aubrey had NO episodes last night! The nurse said her oxygen saturation went down a couple of times, but she brought it back up and her heart rate never went down. She finished getting blood last night and started her feedings back about midnight (they suspend feedings while getting blood). She's up to 2lbs 6oz, but that's with the added weight of the new IV (and the arm board it's on), so we don't know a true weight today. She was looking a little puffy to me last night before we left, and apparently her night nurse agreed; she loosed her CPAP mask a little bit...not enough to let the pressure off, but enough to give her little cheeks a rest. The added fluid volume from the blood might have something to do with the puffiness too. Can't wait to see her this afternoon.
That always seems to be the matter when I see Aubrey, when I leave I can't wait to see her again. It feels like forever between when we leave her at 6 or 6:30 pm and when I get back to the hospital at 2pm the next day. I'm ok until it gets to be time to leave to go to the hospital...then I'm an antsy, anxious mess until I get into the NICU and lay eyes on her. When that happens, it's like I release this huge pent up breath and all the anxiety flows out of me with it. I'm in love. <3
Today passed with Aubrey having only 1 true episode. The phenobarb seems to be helping...or as Dr. Sharpe said, it's a combination of the phenobarb, the new blood, and the good Lord. I got to kangaroo with her for a while, and Adam got a cute video of her picking her head up and raising her eyebrow (I was hoping she'd be able to do that like me and my brother)...then she gives a little mischievous smile. Now we know that she doesn't really know about something being funny and having a particular reason to smile...but it sure is cute. On another note, my mom volunteered to decorate the NICU Christmas tree (the staff was arguing over who would have to do it). It might be the only tree any of us have time to decorate this year. We're there more than we're at home anyway!
Mom working on the tree |
Sweet baby's little smile |
Keli, you and your family are in my constant thoughts and prayers. Jean Story