
Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013


Aubrey stayed home with Adam today while I went to work.  She ate for him...sorta.  An ounce here, 2 ounces there.  She was pretty hungry (finally) by the time I got home (I went and got a pedicure after I left work--unheard of!  I haven't had one in...uh...yeah, I don't remember the last time.  Thanks for the gift certificate, mom!), so she ate well then.

she'll be crawling before we know it.

Aubrey has a barium swallow study tomorrow, like the one she had back towards the end of her hospital stay.  The last one showed us that she needed thickened formula when bottle feeding--there was a chance she would aspirate (milk into the lungs instead of down the esophagus to the belly) with thin formula before because all the valves going down the hatch weren't working so well.  They want to check and see if all of that has matured and she can take regular, unthickened formula.  I personally think she can--I just think she now prefers her formula thickened up with rice.  She will take it much thinner now than she did when she first came home--it's not Elmer's glue any more.  So, we have to go to the hospital and I'll don a radiation proof outfit while they feed the kid barium in a bottle and watch it go down the pipe.  It's pretty neat to see, actually.
concentrating on talking to that elephant.

Adam's birthday is tomorrow.  He's technically off from work but has training all day.  My mom's going to go to the hospital with Aubrey and me, but hopefully we'll get home and Adam will be home soon after so we can at least eat dinner together.  I would give him his birthday presents but he found them last week--the one time he actually tried to help me put stuff up when I came home from the store.  Sheesh. ;)


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