
Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013


This is our 200th post! Aren't y'all tired of us yet?  Sorry it's been a few days--Adam was off and awake during the day this past weekend (we only get that one weekend a month), so we made the most of it and stayed busy.

Aubrey's still trucking along just fine.  Growing and talking and laughing (but still spitting--that's not so fun).  Sometimes I can just see her soaking stuff in--processing things I'm telling her, learning words, discovering textures and sounds.  It's pretty cool.

She sure was a growling, crying, fussy pants last night.  Nothing we did made her happy.  Picking her up--nope.  Putting her down--no way.  Trying to rock her to sleep--oh heck no.  She eventually chilled out and went to sleep about her normal bedtime--mama was glad she finally knocked out.

She's doing well learning to sit up in her Bumbo chair.  She's sending a shout out to all her peeps.

Cousin love from my older nephew, Ephraim.

More cousin love from the younger nephew, Josiah.  He just wants to squeeze the dickens out of her.  She looks a little shell shocked. ;)



  1. Never get tired of reading about Aubrey and all the new things she is learning to do. Glad you had a good weekend with Adam. Love the new pictures of her. Hope you three have a great week. Pat

  2. Hi,

    I agree with Pat. I am so glad that you are continuing to keep us all updated on Aubrey. I love watching her grow through the pictures. Thanks.

    Deanna Peterson
