
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I guess I'm a little too type A sometimes.  I like schedules and routines and being on time.  Babies don't always work like that (ok, EVER work like that).  I was trying to keep Aubrey on her eat-every-3-hours schedule, mainly because we had both gotten used to it and I was able to work around it at work and at home.  Well, after 2 days of her not eating worth a flip for me, I decided to loosen up.  It was tough, let me tell you.  I let her sleep and play and whatever until she told me she was hungry.  It was about 3.5 or 4 hours in between feedings and then she ate pretty well.  I just want her to eat and grow and not have to go back to the hospital ever again.  I know, I know, I worry too much.  But there it is.

Adam has her at home today, so let's hope she deems him worthy of feeding her.  They also have to go to her physical/occupational therapy appointment.  Only one appointment this week!

I've decided that changing the diaper of a very-awake Aubrey is akin to what it might be like to diaper a very energetic small hyena that has no intention of letting you get away with said diapering easily.  I'm already tired just thinking about what life is going to be like when she learns to walk.

What follows is a photo essay of a day in the life of Aubrey:



Nap again.

Play again.
Throw some eating in there too and that's her day.  Hard to take a picture of her eating.  I need at least 3 more hands.


1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth, Selah is doing the exact same thing. She used to be every 3 hours like clockwork, now she's really unpredictable. And the crazy-making thing about breastfeeding for us type A's is that I can only guess how much she takes at each feeding. Arrgh!
