8 p.m.
So far this afternoon, since Adam left for work, Aubrey has had a manicure, pedicure, and a nice relaxing tub bath. This is all more than I can say for myself for quite some time now. I've found that I'm having quite the day if I can get showered and properly dressed.
Aubrey and I stayed home most of the day yesterday, being quiet since Adam was sleeping. She helped me take goodies to Adam's shift last night, and they oohed and ahhed over her.
She must have her after-bottle nap. The location doesn't really matter. |
Today she went to work with me for a few hours. We have a nice little set up going on--there's a spare bedroom upstairs that she can stay in, and I have a monitor with me downstairs so I can hear her. My mom has stayed with her the past couple of days, but we'll be giving it a whirl on our own this week. Once we get a couple of birds cleared out downstairs in about 2 weeks, we'll have a room with no birds in it and I'll be able to set her up with me there. Until then, I can run up and down the stairs as much as I need to--good exercise.
On her tummy, trying to lift that gigantic noggin up. |
In trying to stretch Aubrey's stomach a little like the pediatrician said to do, we've had a couple of spectacular spit-ups. Maybe only one per day, which isn't so bad, but boy can the formula just flow out of her like a river. I'm pretty sure she blurted her entire bottle out yesterday around lunchtime--it went all over her, all over the blanket under her, off the side of the couch and onto the floor. Five minutes later, as I was still cleaning it all up, she started whining because she was hungry. Well ok then. Just a couple of hours ago, she squirted a pretty nice stream onto my arm. The washing machine does not stay lonely in this house anymore.
I'm glad Adam's off the next couple of nights. I miss him. I got totally spoiled to having him around when we were both home so much.