
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013


I'm tired.  This being a "single" working mom stuff is tough.  Adam is off the next two days, but he has some training tomorrow morning and then training all day Tuesday, so Aubrey will go to work with me both days.  I feel bad dragging her around with me all the time, but I guess it's better than putting her in daycare.  I don't think either one of us could deal with that.

She's still blurting on me all the time.  We got to church this morning with her looking all cute, and as soon as I got her out of the carseat...*blurt.*  I thought, well, that wasn't that bad, I won't change her clothes.  A few minutes later...*blurt.*  Ok, two blurts on one shirt, time to change clothes.  So, there was an almost naked baby in church for a minute.  Another spectacular, almost-entire-bottle blurt resulted in another clothes change at about 4p.m.  A friend told me yesterday that her oldest son would do something similar; she said he would eat 8 ounces and she swore he spit up 9.  I feel that way too--it looks like an awful lot of stuff when it's coming out of that little mouth at warp speed.

Aubrey and daddy catching up on each other's days

All those smiles she does lately makes up for the blurting.



  1. She is so cute, I just love reading all about her and looking at the cute pictures. She is really interested in what her Dad is saying to her. Her eyes are looking at him, like she is taking every word in. In the bottom picture she looks like she is saying "Mom, Dad is gone I saved this dirty dipper just for you". I know you are tired and really don't have time for the writing about her, but I enjoy keeping up with how she is doing. I wish I lived closer to you so I could help take care of her and give you a break..Just hang in there. Pat B.

  2. "Blurt" is an awesome word.

    We had a similar day with the multiple wardrobe changes, although ours was for blurts out the other end. (Seriously, that girl pooped about 8 times today, including all up the back of her cute little cupcake outfit!!). She hasn't eaten much the last couple days, so I have absolutely NO idea where all this poop fodder is coming from. How do creatures that are so small excrete so much???
