
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013


So today is our 4th wedding anniversary.  This time last year, we were on our way back from a 9 day trip to Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.  This year, we left Aubrey for about an hour and a half to run out to eat.  Oh, how things change. ;) 

Aubrey has had issues with her bottle the last couple of days--she's still eating, but she's pitching a weird sort of fit during the feeding.  We don't know if it's making her tummy hurt or what, but she actually cries pretty hard and that's highly unusual for her.  She'll finish eating and then she'll be ok.  It's so strange.  I recorded it and might email it to the speech therapist and see what she thinks. 

Back to the pediatrician tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. Love the family picture! She is so big! Looks like her Daddy too! Glad all is going well. Enjoy stalking, I mean reading your blog on Miss Aubrey!!
    Beth Neal
