I just read about this "doctor" over the past couple of days--he's on trial for 7 counts of murder for killing babies and at least one mother. He ran an abortion clinic in Pennsylvania; in that state, it's legal to abort a baby up to 24 weeks gestation, and he aborted babies up to 30 weeks gestation, obviously illegally. In some cases, the babies didn't die from the abortion procedure and were born alive only to be killed by this man. Read the entire article here and be appalled: Trial of Dr. Gosnell.
I'm guessing y'all don't have to wonder how I feel about that. This man killed babies that were at viable (able to live outside the womb) stages of gestation and babies that were born LIVE after he failed to abort them in the womb. Some people don't believe that a baby at 24 weeks gestation is actually a baby. If they would like evidence to contrary, I have some pretty significant firsthand knowledge. Why would anyone think that a baby is a baby at 25 weeks, but isn't at 23 or 24? Allowed to live at 25 weeks but not at 23? Seeing our 24 week, 1lb 9oz baby for the first time was surreal, don't get me wrong, but there was no doubt that she was a perfectly formed human being, albeit tiny, but who already possessed a huge personality.
Right after Aubrey was born. You can't tell me that's not a baby. That's MY baby. |
On a completely different note, Adam and Aubrey and I got to go for a nice long walk (well, Aubrey rode in the stroller and slept) in the beautiful weather today. It was nice to be out and about and together.
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