
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


This morning's bottle feeding was a disaster.  She spit up 3 times, 2 of them a pretty large amount.  So, I remade her bottle twice, she ate, and I have no idea how much she got.  She ate again at about noon, but she gave up on me after about 60ml (she's supposed to be getting 85ml).  She just quit and went to sleep.  She used to do that to us when we were trying to get her fed every 3 hours, and the speech therapist told us that it might be her defense mechanism; something is wrong with the feed--whether she's not hungry or it's too thin or whatever--and she just shuts off.  She had just napped so I didn't think it was merely because she was sleepy, so I tried to figure out what else was wrong.  The formula wasn't too thin--strike that off too.  I checked the nipple--aha.  We have to use Y-cut nipples with her because her formula is so thick.  The holes in the Y-cuts enlarge the longer they're used, and the hole in this one had gotten pretty big.  I think she was getting too much too quickly and it was tough for her.  Poor baby.  I should have checked it and replaced it sooner.  She goes through 122 days in the NICU and then gets stuck with a goober for a mama.  Good thing she's a tough cookie.

more of her many faces

one of her sweet NICU nurses made this for her to match her room!

sleeping on the job with me at work


  1. She is so cute, just love her cute different expressions. What a joy!!

  2. Those faces make me giggle, which is much, much needed today!

    When Jonathan was a baby, he had a special bottle, too; not a Y-cut, but something specially designed for babies with clefts, and we had the same thing happen. Those stupid expensive special nipples wore out really fast! I remember that moment where I looked and saw how big the slit was, and felt really stupid. Also annoyed that nobody bothered to tell me they'd wear out and I'd have to replace them about once a month.
