
Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013


So here's a recap of yesterday: Adam was technically off from work but had training, so he left at 7a.m.  Aubrey and I stayed home and in our jammies all day since it was cold and rainy out.  She ate and took naps and I sorted through baby clothes that someone gave us.  Adam got home but had to go to sleep since he was supposed to be switching to nights.  So, while he was napping, Aubrey took another nap.  The only one who didn't nap was me.  Unfortunate.  Anyhoo, the three of us got to hang out together for a little while before Aubrey and I went to bed.

Today, Aubrey and I went to work while Adam slept.  Then we went to the pediatrician's...again.  To get weighed...again.  She's up to 10lb 9.5oz, so she gained 3 ounces.  The doctor said she likes to see a gain of at least 15 grams a day, and Aubrey gained 16 grams/day this week.  She said to try to get her to take a little more per feeding to stretch her stomach out some.  We'll just keep a bib on her because I'm sure there will be spit up. 

Adam left for work this afternoon about 4:45.  Have I mentioned that I hate when he's on night shift?  Ugh.  I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but even after as long as we've been together I still shed a few tears when he leaves for his first night.  And then I only see him for a little bit in the afternoons while he's getting ready to leave.  On the plus side, I'm hoping on the nights he's home he'll feed Aubrey at 3a.m. and let me sleep. ;)


1 comment:

  1. Aubrey is so cute, I know you are so busy, but I miss reading about Miss Priss everday. I have read every word sometimes two and three times a day just to keep up with her. I was so glad to see you three went to Church last Sunday as a family. I have been waiting on that picture, I knew it was coming, just didn't know when. You and Adam have been Blessed with a miracle, take care and try to get a little rest, don't forget she is going to be walking in the not so far off future and you better keep your running shoes on. Have a Blessed night and you are in my prayers. Pat
