We're still here and still alive! Almost through the 2nd day of Adam going back to work. Aubrey has been to work with me both mornings (thanks to my mom for keeping her there for a couple of hours--the pediatrician said to wait a little longer before taking her downstairs with me around the birds) and we have had appointments both afternoons. We won't be going back to speech therapy for a couple of months--she said we've done all we can do with Aubrey right now. She's made so much progress with bottle feeding that she just needs to continue to eat and grow and come back when she gets ready for spoon feeding. She said she recommends Aubrey have another barium swallow test at the end of May just to see how she's doing and make sure she has matured enough to not aspirate with thinner liquids. Hopefully she'll accept the contents of her bottle being thinner by then. We need to buy rice cereal by the case. On a good note though, Aubrey probably won't have any trouble with spoon feeding.
The plastic surgeon that checked out Aubrey's hemangiomas while she was in the NICU saw her today. He was thrilled that the one on her nose hasn't grown any. He said the medicine we put on it seems to be working--they put hemangioma cells in a petri dish and put that medicine in there with them and the medicine killed the cells. Well ok then. The one on her neck has grown a little, but we hadn't been putting the meds on that one until recently. He said he wasn't concerned with that one as it's in a place where it won't block nostrils or something like that; he told me to continue to put the medicine on that if I wanted to and he wants to check her nose again in 4 months. We were curious to know what caused them since no one has really been able to tell us; this doctor said no one really knows. Preemies and girls are more prone to them (poor Aubrey), and their genetic make up is similar to placental tissue.
In an effort to get our little hungry hungry hippo to slow down while taking her bottle (she took the one about noon today a little too fast I think and ended up splurting most of it back out 20 minutes later--all that hard work down the tubes), I turned on a the stopwatch on my phone this afternoon and stopped her for 30 seconds after every 5 or 6 sucks. We took about 14 minutes to finish the bottle instead of 6...maybe this will help her keep more of it in her belly where it belongs, because goodness knows I'm tired of changing her clothes (and mine).
We were playing and she fell asleep. Apparently I'm sooo boring. :) |
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