
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


It's been super nice having Adam home last night and tonight.  I got a full 8 hours of sleep last night; since Adam was supposed to be staying awake anyway, he said he'd feed Aubrey at 3a.m.  It was a nice gesture, but it didn't really work out as planned.  Since Aubrey didn't go through our normal bedtime routine, she decided to stay up and party with dad and not go to sleep until midnight.  So when Adam tried to wake her up at 3 to eat, she had other ideas.  An Aubrey that does not want to be awakened will not be awoken...awoke...awakened...woken up?  Anyway, you get my point.  Aubrey no wakey.  So, she ate a little bit about 6a.m., then Adam went to bed and Aubrey and I went to work.

She likes her swing now and kicks her legs to make herself go. 
She was a super spit-up machine this morning.  She blurted a little while she was eating at 8a.m, then was almost done with the bottle and managed to blurt almost the entire thing back up.  So, I made a refill and she got that down.  Then at 11:45, she spit about half of the bottle up again. *sigh*  She's done well the rest of the day (so far), so we'll see. I went and picked up her new prescription of Prevacid and the doctor upped her dose, so I really hope that helps with the spitting too. 

How on earth can that be comfortable?
Only one doctor's appointment this week--so unusual!  Another weight check at the pediatrician's office on Friday.  Hopefully after this week we can space them out a little more.  Whew. 


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