
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Little miss feisty has been little miss sleepy the past couple of days.  Her naps have been longer and more frequent, so I'm wondering if she's going through a growth spurt.  She hasn't been eating as much as normal, and though that seems contrary to a growth spurt happening several people have said that their babies didn't eat as much during growth spurts.  I guess every baby is different, and we know that Aubrey has had her own mind from the very beginning.

morning nap

afternoon nap (the second one)

We had to go see the NICU doctor for a follow up today.  She was thrilled at how well Aubrey is doing and was impressed with how much she has grown.  Don't have to go back until Aubrey is 6 months corrected age.

Aubrey is a good baby and rarely fussy, so when she does get fussy I have to capture the moment.  Exhibit A: the boo boo lip.  Exhibit B: the frowning cry.  She was smiling again not long after, don't worry.

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