Feisty pants had a good night--no episodes, no spit ups. She did, however, pull her feeding tube out. Again. For the second time in 3 days. Ugh. Stink pot. I love that kid. :) She's still at 4lb 1oz and handling her feedings well.
One question: where in the heck did 2012 go???? We were just planning our April trip to Puerto Rico last week! We just found out we were pregnant a couple of days ago! We just had our baby way too early yesterday! Seriously. She's supposed to be in my belly for another month. Even after all this time it's still pretty surreal. To totally change the subject, Adam and I actually get to be together and have a kiss at midnight this new year's eve (if we can both stay awake, that is. We might need naps. We're getting old.). I think this is only the second time that's happened in the 7 years we've been together. Next year we'll kiss each other, then give Aubrey a couple of great big smooches. :)
1900 hours. (7pm)
Aubrey is in a bassinet now!! Yay! It's a big girl bed. We got to help the nurse transfer her into it.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Well...we have a 4lb baby! A 4lb 1oz baby to be exact. She did well through the night tolerating her feedings with no episodes an no spit ups. Hopefully she'll go back on full feeds today and be able to get rid of the IV. Also, having the IV out should mean that we can put clothes on her and swaddle her so that the top of the condo can be left open for periods of time to get her ready for going in a bassinet.
My parents always have a big new years eve party at their house. My mom said we would just tell everyone when they arrived that it was actually a 4 pound party. ;)
Our baby is so dang precious. I just can't even tell you how much I like hanging out with her. She's not doing anything spectacular--unless you count just being here and growing. I guess that is pretty spectacular considering how and when she came into the world. I got into the NICU today and I guess she had a bath last night because her hair was all fluffy and sticking up all over her head. SO cute. I got to snuggle with her for a really long time. She stayed awake for a while and we chatted--I love seeing her big eyes swivel up towards me. She just watched me for the longest time while I talked to her about things. After she got bored with me prattling, she decided to take a nap and slept like a log for a while. She's back on full feedings, so her IV stuff got stopped...they leave the IVs in until they come out on their own, just in case they need them again they won't have to stick her. Her O2 saturation stayed in the 90s the majority of the afternoon/evening...she had one drop into the 40s but she brought it back up.
A set of tiny twins came into our room a day or two ago...tiny as in Aubrey's size when she was born. The mama and daddy came in together today (mama is still in the hospital and came in a wheelchair), and the daddy pushed her back and forth between the baby condos to see them. She was crying and he was trying to comfort her--I feel her pain to some extent, but I can't imagine worrying about TWO babies as fragile as Aubrey was in the beginning. I gave her a tissue and told them that my baby started out that small and was now 4 pounds, and that I knew they could make it. I know they didn't take in anything I said--there's no room for empty platitudes from anyone, even someone who's been in your shoes, when the pain is that fresh and you're watching your child (or children) hover in that terrifying dark place between death and life. I pray that their NICU roller coaster ride goes smoothly.
Well...we have a 4lb baby! A 4lb 1oz baby to be exact. She did well through the night tolerating her feedings with no episodes an no spit ups. Hopefully she'll go back on full feeds today and be able to get rid of the IV. Also, having the IV out should mean that we can put clothes on her and swaddle her so that the top of the condo can be left open for periods of time to get her ready for going in a bassinet.
My parents always have a big new years eve party at their house. My mom said we would just tell everyone when they arrived that it was actually a 4 pound party. ;)
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baby girl's crazy hair |
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oh my goodness! |
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'roo time with mama |
Our baby is so dang precious. I just can't even tell you how much I like hanging out with her. She's not doing anything spectacular--unless you count just being here and growing. I guess that is pretty spectacular considering how and when she came into the world. I got into the NICU today and I guess she had a bath last night because her hair was all fluffy and sticking up all over her head. SO cute. I got to snuggle with her for a really long time. She stayed awake for a while and we chatted--I love seeing her big eyes swivel up towards me. She just watched me for the longest time while I talked to her about things. After she got bored with me prattling, she decided to take a nap and slept like a log for a while. She's back on full feedings, so her IV stuff got stopped...they leave the IVs in until they come out on their own, just in case they need them again they won't have to stick her. Her O2 saturation stayed in the 90s the majority of the afternoon/evening...she had one drop into the 40s but she brought it back up.
A set of tiny twins came into our room a day or two ago...tiny as in Aubrey's size when she was born. The mama and daddy came in together today (mama is still in the hospital and came in a wheelchair), and the daddy pushed her back and forth between the baby condos to see them. She was crying and he was trying to comfort her--I feel her pain to some extent, but I can't imagine worrying about TWO babies as fragile as Aubrey was in the beginning. I gave her a tissue and told them that my baby started out that small and was now 4 pounds, and that I knew they could make it. I know they didn't take in anything I said--there's no room for empty platitudes from anyone, even someone who's been in your shoes, when the pain is that fresh and you're watching your child (or children) hover in that terrifying dark place between death and life. I pray that their NICU roller coaster ride goes smoothly.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Ten weeks. Aubrey is 10 weeks old today (-6 weeks adjusted age). If she were born today, we'd still spend some time in the NICU. As it is, I don't see us making it home before her due date...that's just my opinion. She has to get this reflux under control and learn to eat. I know she can do it, I just think it's going to take time. She could fool me though, and get the hang of it quickly. Who knows. Never trust a preemie. :) She didn't have any episodes or spit up last night...because she didn't have any food in her belly. She kept her oxygen up and slept all night and still weighs 3lb 14oz.
Today was better; she had one little episode. She was really agitated for a while, and even when I held her it took her a while to settle down and fall asleep. I think she was hungry, because they didn't start her feeds back until about 3p.m. She did fine with the feedings going the rest of the afternoon. She had a big oxygen drop one time (well, down into the 40s...not like the episodes yesterday when it went into the single digits), but I saw her gag and then watched the monitor--it dropped from the 80s to 65...to 60...to 55...to 45... Poor little refluxy girl. She stayed in the 90s most of the time otherwise though. The doctor said she can just grow some more with the tube into her intestines; we don't want to push her too quickly and cause more problems. He said that, compared to many other preemies, she's had a very smooth time of it considering when she was born. We don't want anything to set her back now.
Ten weeks. Aubrey is 10 weeks old today (-6 weeks adjusted age). If she were born today, we'd still spend some time in the NICU. As it is, I don't see us making it home before her due date...that's just my opinion. She has to get this reflux under control and learn to eat. I know she can do it, I just think it's going to take time. She could fool me though, and get the hang of it quickly. Who knows. Never trust a preemie. :) She didn't have any episodes or spit up last night...because she didn't have any food in her belly. She kept her oxygen up and slept all night and still weighs 3lb 14oz.
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That's how Aubrey's mama looks when Aubrey's daddy rubs her head. :) |
Today was better; she had one little episode. She was really agitated for a while, and even when I held her it took her a while to settle down and fall asleep. I think she was hungry, because they didn't start her feeds back until about 3p.m. She did fine with the feedings going the rest of the afternoon. She had a big oxygen drop one time (well, down into the 40s...not like the episodes yesterday when it went into the single digits), but I saw her gag and then watched the monitor--it dropped from the 80s to 65...to 60...to 55...to 45... Poor little refluxy girl. She stayed in the 90s most of the time otherwise though. The doctor said she can just grow some more with the tube into her intestines; we don't want to push her too quickly and cause more problems. He said that, compared to many other preemies, she's had a very smooth time of it considering when she was born. We don't want anything to set her back now.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
After the scare of yesterday evening, Aubrey had a good night. She didn't have any episodes and held her feedings down with only a little bit of spit up. After the weight fluke of the night before, she's back in the normal range at 3lb 14oz.
Today is exactly ten weeks from when all of this started. I can't believe it's been that long, but then it also feels like we've been living at the hospital forever. The parents and grandmother of the new baby that came in yesterday (a monster baby at 5.5lbs) were trying to leave him while I was in the room waiting to move Aubrey last evening. They would do what I always do--tell him goodbye, put the quilt down over him, take a step away, then move back to him and peek. This happened a couple of times and I said to them, "it's so hard to leave them, I know. We've been here almost 10 weeks and it's just as hard now as it was the first day." The mom's eyes got big and the grandmother said, "Ten weeks! Bless your heart!" In case you aren't from around here, in this case "bless your heart" is Southern for "oh you poor pitiful thing!" I'm sure the parents were horrified to hear that you could be stuck in the NICU for 10 freaking weeks (don't say "freaking," Aubrey), so hopefully I'll get to see them today to reassure them that not everyone has to bunk down and live there.
Well...so much for the no episodes and no spit up. She had 2 bad episodes, one of which I was unlucky enough to witness. She was a very blue baby for a scary minute. She hadn't had any milk in a while--they were going to skip a feeding to let her rest--but some still came out of her nose. The doctor came in to talk to me, and said he was going to go ahead and stop her feedings for the night and let her digestive tract rest. He said he would check on her again in the morning and probably restart feedings but would move the tube back to her intestine (that is, after they put a new tube in seeing as she pulled that one out a little while later). After that episode, she did fine the rest of the afternoon--most likely because she didn't have anything in her stomach that could come up. I held her for a while and we talked and then she took a nap. They had to put a new IV in her arm to get fluids into her since she's not getting any milk. *sigh* Go away, reflux!
After the scare of yesterday evening, Aubrey had a good night. She didn't have any episodes and held her feedings down with only a little bit of spit up. After the weight fluke of the night before, she's back in the normal range at 3lb 14oz.
Today is exactly ten weeks from when all of this started. I can't believe it's been that long, but then it also feels like we've been living at the hospital forever. The parents and grandmother of the new baby that came in yesterday (a monster baby at 5.5lbs) were trying to leave him while I was in the room waiting to move Aubrey last evening. They would do what I always do--tell him goodbye, put the quilt down over him, take a step away, then move back to him and peek. This happened a couple of times and I said to them, "it's so hard to leave them, I know. We've been here almost 10 weeks and it's just as hard now as it was the first day." The mom's eyes got big and the grandmother said, "Ten weeks! Bless your heart!" In case you aren't from around here, in this case "bless your heart" is Southern for "oh you poor pitiful thing!" I'm sure the parents were horrified to hear that you could be stuck in the NICU for 10 freaking weeks (don't say "freaking," Aubrey), so hopefully I'll get to see them today to reassure them that not everyone has to bunk down and live there.
Well...so much for the no episodes and no spit up. She had 2 bad episodes, one of which I was unlucky enough to witness. She was a very blue baby for a scary minute. She hadn't had any milk in a while--they were going to skip a feeding to let her rest--but some still came out of her nose. The doctor came in to talk to me, and said he was going to go ahead and stop her feedings for the night and let her digestive tract rest. He said he would check on her again in the morning and probably restart feedings but would move the tube back to her intestine (that is, after they put a new tube in seeing as she pulled that one out a little while later). After that episode, she did fine the rest of the afternoon--most likely because she didn't have anything in her stomach that could come up. I held her for a while and we talked and then she took a nap. They had to put a new IV in her arm to get fluids into her since she's not getting any milk. *sigh* Go away, reflux!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Apparently our child gained over a pound during the night. Now personally I think there is either something wrong with the scale or something else is afoot here. No way could she go from 3lb 12 oz yesterday to 4lb 10oz today. The nurse said, "I know that's a big discrepancy so I weighed her 3 times...I got the same thing every time!" I'm sure getting the blood last night added some weight and the nurse said she's retaining some fluid, but when I get there later I might ask whoever has her today to weigh her again for me. She had one episode during the night, but didn't have to have her oxygen turned up.
I was in the NICU a long time today, and Aubrey had a good afternoon. I asked the nurse about her weird weight, and she made a face and said they were going to watch it. She said Aubrey did have to have fluids because of getting blood yesterday--feedings stop for the 3 hours it takes for the blood to go in and for 6 hours afterwards. The fluids keep her from getting dehydrated, but they can also stick around and make it seem like she's gained weight when she actually hasn't. She had another nasty green mayonnaise diaper and several pee-filled ones, so maybe she got rid of all the extra. We got to kangaroo for a while and she did really well. They moved the feeding tube from her intestine up into her stomach to try and start getting it stretched out and ready for bottle feeding.
The "excitement" came about 6p.m. They got a new baby in, and so they had to put him in a room that wasn't being used because the two that were in use were full. So that meant they needed to move another baby or 2 in there because of staffing (plus they might be getting a set of twins in soon). The charge nurse came and said they wanted to move Aubrey into that room and asked if we minded. I said no because it would be a lot less crowded and we'd have some privacy when I start trying to breastfeed. So, they got everything unhooked and had the respiratory therapist there with the mobile oxygen and started moving her condo to the next room. Well, while in route Aubrey must have refluxed and gone into an episode because she was an awful shade of blue as they rushed her into the room. None of the equipment was plugged in yet so they got the bag on her to give her some breaths manually. I don't think I've ever seen her so blue. It was awful. Once she got over it and her bearings again, she was nice and pink and ok, but wow...she scared us. A little bit of milk came out of her nose, so we know it had to be reflux that caused it. Please pray she can get used to having the milk in her tummy and all the muscles and sphincters work right and she can get the reflux under control.
-Keli, worried mama
Apparently our child gained over a pound during the night. Now personally I think there is either something wrong with the scale or something else is afoot here. No way could she go from 3lb 12 oz yesterday to 4lb 10oz today. The nurse said, "I know that's a big discrepancy so I weighed her 3 times...I got the same thing every time!" I'm sure getting the blood last night added some weight and the nurse said she's retaining some fluid, but when I get there later I might ask whoever has her today to weigh her again for me. She had one episode during the night, but didn't have to have her oxygen turned up.
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doing her best "grumpy cat" impression |
I was in the NICU a long time today, and Aubrey had a good afternoon. I asked the nurse about her weird weight, and she made a face and said they were going to watch it. She said Aubrey did have to have fluids because of getting blood yesterday--feedings stop for the 3 hours it takes for the blood to go in and for 6 hours afterwards. The fluids keep her from getting dehydrated, but they can also stick around and make it seem like she's gained weight when she actually hasn't. She had another nasty green mayonnaise diaper and several pee-filled ones, so maybe she got rid of all the extra. We got to kangaroo for a while and she did really well. They moved the feeding tube from her intestine up into her stomach to try and start getting it stretched out and ready for bottle feeding.
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working that pacifier |
The "excitement" came about 6p.m. They got a new baby in, and so they had to put him in a room that wasn't being used because the two that were in use were full. So that meant they needed to move another baby or 2 in there because of staffing (plus they might be getting a set of twins in soon). The charge nurse came and said they wanted to move Aubrey into that room and asked if we minded. I said no because it would be a lot less crowded and we'd have some privacy when I start trying to breastfeed. So, they got everything unhooked and had the respiratory therapist there with the mobile oxygen and started moving her condo to the next room. Well, while in route Aubrey must have refluxed and gone into an episode because she was an awful shade of blue as they rushed her into the room. None of the equipment was plugged in yet so they got the bag on her to give her some breaths manually. I don't think I've ever seen her so blue. It was awful. Once she got over it and her bearings again, she was nice and pink and ok, but wow...she scared us. A little bit of milk came out of her nose, so we know it had to be reflux that caused it. Please pray she can get used to having the milk in her tummy and all the muscles and sphincters work right and she can get the reflux under control.
-Keli, worried mama
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Aubrey had an ok night...she had 2 episodes. The nurse said she thinks one was reflux and one was just being a preemie. Today would have been 34 weeks gestation for Aubrey--even if she had been born today she would have had to go straight to the NICU. Why? Breathing problems, more than likely. All of those air sacs she needs just still aren't there, and we can't rush their growth in any way. She weighs 3lb 12 oz, and the nurse said they are starting to wean the temperature down on her condo to get her ready to come out of it and go into a bassinet. :)
I have to second Adam when he said that this Christmas was not exactly awesome. I had prepared myself for the fact that he was going to be working--as a policewife, I have to go to a lot of things without him because of his work schedule. However, I was also supposed to have Aubrey with me, albeit still on the inside. It was hard to be at my aunt's house with the entire family there...except for Aubrey. I know, she wasn't supposed to really be here for Christmas anyway since her due date was February, but it was tough knowing she was at the hospital alone while we were all together somewhere else. Next year...oh, next year...
Poor Adam. He needs to see the baby. I know I was miserable not seeing her for three days, and it's going on 5 days for him. He's just as down about it as I was, only he's not quite as vocal about it. Hopefully he sounds better today and can wear a mask to go in and catch a glimpse of her.
The pics are from yesterday, but I didn't want to go back and put them on yesterday's post because I didn't want anyone to miss all this cuteness. :)
Aubrey had an ok night...she had 2 episodes. The nurse said she thinks one was reflux and one was just being a preemie. Today would have been 34 weeks gestation for Aubrey--even if she had been born today she would have had to go straight to the NICU. Why? Breathing problems, more than likely. All of those air sacs she needs just still aren't there, and we can't rush their growth in any way. She weighs 3lb 12 oz, and the nurse said they are starting to wean the temperature down on her condo to get her ready to come out of it and go into a bassinet. :)
I have to second Adam when he said that this Christmas was not exactly awesome. I had prepared myself for the fact that he was going to be working--as a policewife, I have to go to a lot of things without him because of his work schedule. However, I was also supposed to have Aubrey with me, albeit still on the inside. It was hard to be at my aunt's house with the entire family there...except for Aubrey. I know, she wasn't supposed to really be here for Christmas anyway since her due date was February, but it was tough knowing she was at the hospital alone while we were all together somewhere else. Next year...oh, next year...
Poor Adam. He needs to see the baby. I know I was miserable not seeing her for three days, and it's going on 5 days for him. He's just as down about it as I was, only he's not quite as vocal about it. Hopefully he sounds better today and can wear a mask to go in and catch a glimpse of her.
The pics are from yesterday, but I didn't want to go back and put them on yesterday's post because I didn't want anyone to miss all this cuteness. :)
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cowlick where her bow came out |
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snuggling |
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how in the world can that be comfortable? |
Dr. Sharp called me earlier and said that because Aubrey had a few more episodes than she had been having they checked her blood count...it was low, so she had to get some blood this afternoon. She still can't make her own blood--she'd be 34 weeks today and shouldn't have to make her own yet. They were also going to do a sepsis screen just to make sure nothing was brewing and mainly because she hadn't had one in so long. I held her for a while wrapped up burrito style (better not to kangaroo with that extra IV in), and she kept making sucking faces so I popped her pacifier in. She popped it back out. I popped it back in and she finally kept it in and sucked on it. She has to figure out the sucking thing in order to take a bottle...she has to be able take a bottle and/or breastfeed in order to come home. I changed two amazingly full and disgustingly green diapers. :)
More cute pictures!
such a honey. |
you're about to do WHAT to me? |
I have a tongue! |
figuring out the pacifier |
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas, everyone. I hope all is well with your families and you have a blessed day.
Little one had a good night. I got to the hospital early this morning to see her and she looked great. Her oxygen kept dropping while I was there--it would drop into the 40s but we'd look at her and she looked pink as could be. It could have been her sensor, so the nurse changed it out and put it on her wrist...she seemed to be ok by the time I left. She weighs 3lb 11oz today.
Adam is sleeping today so he can work tonight. I'm headed back to the hospital in a little bit to hang out with the baby again for a while and then head home to see him before he goes off to work.
2200 hours. (10pm)
The goal of this blog is two-fold, one to give the latest updates on Aubrey so that everyone knows instead of us typing 100 or so texts a day to her fan club, second, to encourage others.
When we read stories of other people that have gone through what we are going through, we are encouraged because we find that some of our feelings are the same that others feel and we are normal.
For me, this has been the worst Christmas ever. I know Keli has struggled but I really have too. I have had a cold which means that I can't go to the NICU. Keli went through this last week. The last time I saw Aubrey was Friday. I probably won't be able to see her until Thursday. Since I saw her last, she has gained several ounces. I miss her. That is wearing on me.
I can't work, and I can't sleep, and I can't see my daughter. I cant take family pictures because the whole family isnt present. Maybe i can superimpose her condo into a family pic of all the uncles brothers and cousins and grandparents. Or better yet, take a first christmas pic of just us three... but wait, I can't be near her now due to being sick. Yay for sucky Christmas. Christmas this year wasn't supposed to be like this. God had a different plan, but so far it sucks.
And after reading the psalms, it's ok to be discouraged and mad at God sometimes. Other people in our situation to through the same thing. It's ok.
Merry Christmas, everyone. I hope all is well with your families and you have a blessed day.
Little one had a good night. I got to the hospital early this morning to see her and she looked great. Her oxygen kept dropping while I was there--it would drop into the 40s but we'd look at her and she looked pink as could be. It could have been her sensor, so the nurse changed it out and put it on her wrist...she seemed to be ok by the time I left. She weighs 3lb 11oz today.
Adam is sleeping today so he can work tonight. I'm headed back to the hospital in a little bit to hang out with the baby again for a while and then head home to see him before he goes off to work.
2200 hours. (10pm)
The goal of this blog is two-fold, one to give the latest updates on Aubrey so that everyone knows instead of us typing 100 or so texts a day to her fan club, second, to encourage others.
When we read stories of other people that have gone through what we are going through, we are encouraged because we find that some of our feelings are the same that others feel and we are normal.
For me, this has been the worst Christmas ever. I know Keli has struggled but I really have too. I have had a cold which means that I can't go to the NICU. Keli went through this last week. The last time I saw Aubrey was Friday. I probably won't be able to see her until Thursday. Since I saw her last, she has gained several ounces. I miss her. That is wearing on me.
I can't work, and I can't sleep, and I can't see my daughter. I cant take family pictures because the whole family isnt present. Maybe i can superimpose her condo into a family pic of all the uncles brothers and cousins and grandparents. Or better yet, take a first christmas pic of just us three... but wait, I can't be near her now due to being sick. Yay for sucky Christmas. Christmas this year wasn't supposed to be like this. God had a different plan, but so far it sucks.
And after reading the psalms, it's ok to be discouraged and mad at God sometimes. Other people in our situation to through the same thing. It's ok.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
The nurse said Aubrey had an excellent night. She stayed on room air and didn't have an episode, and she was more like her normal awake and wiggly self. She's still at 3lb 9oz, but she lost 10 grams...the nurse said after the 2 diaper blowouts Aubrey had, she thought Aubrey would've lost half her body weight. ;)
Today and tomorrow aren't going to be exactly fun for me. I know, another pity party, table for one. I just usually love Christmas, and I'm having a tough time with it this year. We've gotten to do none of the usual fun things we do each year. The house isn't decorated and we didn't get to help my parents decorate their house. We didn't get to go to church Christmas dinner, or go see the lights at the gardens where we got engaged; we didn't get to drive around and look at tacky light displays on people's houses, or go on the hayride through Jesus's life like we usually do. The 7th anniversary of our first date is today--we usually go to breakfast at the same place we went that first day to celebrate. Well, Adam's still not feeling well and needs to sleep since he has to work tonight, so we didn't go. Then he'll have to sleep all day tomorrow and work again Christmas night. Bah humbug.
I'm trying to work out seeing my family around going to the hospital to spend some time with Aubrey on her first Christmas. I of course had totally different expectations about what her first Christmas would be like; it was supposed to be 2013 and she was supposed to be almost 11 months old. I guess since she doesn't know about Christmas yet, I shouldn't be worried about her spending it in a plastic container, but it still bothers me. We'll be doing Christmas up right next year.
I got to snuggle with my sweet pea for a good long time today. I don't know about Aubrey, but Aubrey's mama sure needed it. That put me in a better mood than just about anything else could have. We also had a string of visitors while we were kangarooing--my parents, Adam's dad, my brother, my good friend who's in town for Christmas from St. Louis and her mom. It's funny--people that don't see her often have the same reaction that we do every time we see her: she's mesmerizing! They just want to sit and stare at her, even if she's just sleeping (which she did the whole time she was on me). Then the nurse helped me get her into her "first Christmas" stocking and hat to get some pictures. She had a great day over all. :)
The nurse said Aubrey had an excellent night. She stayed on room air and didn't have an episode, and she was more like her normal awake and wiggly self. She's still at 3lb 9oz, but she lost 10 grams...the nurse said after the 2 diaper blowouts Aubrey had, she thought Aubrey would've lost half her body weight. ;)
Today and tomorrow aren't going to be exactly fun for me. I know, another pity party, table for one. I just usually love Christmas, and I'm having a tough time with it this year. We've gotten to do none of the usual fun things we do each year. The house isn't decorated and we didn't get to help my parents decorate their house. We didn't get to go to church Christmas dinner, or go see the lights at the gardens where we got engaged; we didn't get to drive around and look at tacky light displays on people's houses, or go on the hayride through Jesus's life like we usually do. The 7th anniversary of our first date is today--we usually go to breakfast at the same place we went that first day to celebrate. Well, Adam's still not feeling well and needs to sleep since he has to work tonight, so we didn't go. Then he'll have to sleep all day tomorrow and work again Christmas night. Bah humbug.
I'm trying to work out seeing my family around going to the hospital to spend some time with Aubrey on her first Christmas. I of course had totally different expectations about what her first Christmas would be like; it was supposed to be 2013 and she was supposed to be almost 11 months old. I guess since she doesn't know about Christmas yet, I shouldn't be worried about her spending it in a plastic container, but it still bothers me. We'll be doing Christmas up right next year.
footprint card the nurses and Aubrey made for us |
I got to snuggle with my sweet pea for a good long time today. I don't know about Aubrey, but Aubrey's mama sure needed it. That put me in a better mood than just about anything else could have. We also had a string of visitors while we were kangarooing--my parents, Adam's dad, my brother, my good friend who's in town for Christmas from St. Louis and her mom. It's funny--people that don't see her often have the same reaction that we do every time we see her: she's mesmerizing! They just want to sit and stare at her, even if she's just sleeping (which she did the whole time she was on me). Then the nurse helped me get her into her "first Christmas" stocking and hat to get some pictures. She had a great day over all. :)
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sweet little elf in her stocking and hat |
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
1312 hours (1:13pm)
Aubrey had a slight fever from the immunizations she received yesterday morning but that is normal and it was considered a low grade fever. They used to give a super small Tylenol with it to prevent fever, but research came out that it might lessen the effectiveness of the immunization. Her weight is up to 3 lbs 9 1/2 oz. That equals about 1615 grams. She is inside the growth curve, albeit slightly, but still inside the curve.
There are two landmarks coming up that we are looking forward to. The first is reaching 1700 grams. When she reaches this landmark, she is put into a different bed that is open, and more Aubrey holding is permitted. The second landmark will be the bottle feeding. Once we are able to bottle feed without the feeding tube, we will be taking her home. There is more to it than that, but generally bottle feeding means that everything else is working correctly and she can go home. We can't wait. She currently has the feeding tube in her intestine still, bypassing her stomach, so I am concerned about her accepting the milk back into the stomach.
I have a cold, so I cannot go to the NICU. Argh. Yesterday I felt kinda bad, not real bad, but that impending feeling that something the size of an elephant was about to jam a grapefruit sized object into my sinuses and plug them up was present so I didn't go see her yesterday out of the abundance of caution. Glad I didn't see her and give her this germ. So I am at home looking at pictures and wishing I could be with her.
With Christmas and New Years around the corner, our next party will be the day before the day before she goes home celebration. Looking at our gift card situation we will be having it at Panera Bread. We are having it the day before the day before she goes home so that there won't be the pressure of last minute preparations the day before, and we can have a day to relax and d-stress before the new stress and joy of bringing her home is added.
- Adam
I saw Aubrey early before church this morning, then again for a couple of hours this afternoon--she slept the entire time. The nurse said that happens a lot after getting immunizations. She was sleeping so good that we decided to just let her be and I'll hold her tomorrow. I'm absolutely itching to--tomorrow will be a week since I've held her! This mama needs to hold her sweet baby! Hopefully she'll be a little more perky tomorrow and I'll get to snuggle her.
Aubrey had a slight fever from the immunizations she received yesterday morning but that is normal and it was considered a low grade fever. They used to give a super small Tylenol with it to prevent fever, but research came out that it might lessen the effectiveness of the immunization. Her weight is up to 3 lbs 9 1/2 oz. That equals about 1615 grams. She is inside the growth curve, albeit slightly, but still inside the curve.
There are two landmarks coming up that we are looking forward to. The first is reaching 1700 grams. When she reaches this landmark, she is put into a different bed that is open, and more Aubrey holding is permitted. The second landmark will be the bottle feeding. Once we are able to bottle feed without the feeding tube, we will be taking her home. There is more to it than that, but generally bottle feeding means that everything else is working correctly and she can go home. We can't wait. She currently has the feeding tube in her intestine still, bypassing her stomach, so I am concerned about her accepting the milk back into the stomach.
I have a cold, so I cannot go to the NICU. Argh. Yesterday I felt kinda bad, not real bad, but that impending feeling that something the size of an elephant was about to jam a grapefruit sized object into my sinuses and plug them up was present so I didn't go see her yesterday out of the abundance of caution. Glad I didn't see her and give her this germ. So I am at home looking at pictures and wishing I could be with her.
With Christmas and New Years around the corner, our next party will be the day before the day before she goes home celebration. Looking at our gift card situation we will be having it at Panera Bread. We are having it the day before the day before she goes home so that there won't be the pressure of last minute preparations the day before, and we can have a day to relax and d-stress before the new stress and joy of bringing her home is added.
- Adam
I saw Aubrey early before church this morning, then again for a couple of hours this afternoon--she slept the entire time. The nurse said that happens a lot after getting immunizations. She was sleeping so good that we decided to just let her be and I'll hold her tomorrow. I'm absolutely itching to--tomorrow will be a week since I've held her! This mama needs to hold her sweet baby! Hopefully she'll be a little more perky tomorrow and I'll get to snuggle her.
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just so darn tired today. |
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Sorry for the late posting! We had a morning at home: slept in, mom and dad came over and brought our Christmas present of Aubrey's crib, and then dad helped Adam chop up the huge pine tree that snapped off in all of that crazy wind we had a couple of nights ago. Mom and I left them doing manly stuff and went on to the hospital to see the baby girl.
Aubrey had a good night and a good morning with no episodes. Wouldn't you know, she waited until I got there to have a bad one. She was sleeping away and I just saw her little belly stop moving--next thing I know all her party lights are going off and I'm reaching in her condo to wiggle her and get her going again. She must have been way too comfortable because it took her a minute to get herself together; that was after I got her awake and mad. She did well after that, though. Kim, the nurse, said she gave Aubrey her first set of vaccinations this morning and she didn't even cry. She's such a good baby. :)
Sorry for the late posting! We had a morning at home: slept in, mom and dad came over and brought our Christmas present of Aubrey's crib, and then dad helped Adam chop up the huge pine tree that snapped off in all of that crazy wind we had a couple of nights ago. Mom and I left them doing manly stuff and went on to the hospital to see the baby girl.
Aubrey had a good night and a good morning with no episodes. Wouldn't you know, she waited until I got there to have a bad one. She was sleeping away and I just saw her little belly stop moving--next thing I know all her party lights are going off and I'm reaching in her condo to wiggle her and get her going again. She must have been way too comfortable because it took her a minute to get herself together; that was after I got her awake and mad. She did well after that, though. Kim, the nurse, said she gave Aubrey her first set of vaccinations this morning and she didn't even cry. She's such a good baby. :)
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sleeping so good... |
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now a nice big stretch to wake up... |
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...and she's wide awake! |
Friday, December 21, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
Well, the world is still here. Color me surprised. I don't know what all the fuss was about seeing as God already told us that no one knows when the world will end. If He hasn't even told the angels in heaven, he sure as heck didn't tell the Mayans. Sweet Aubrey had a pretty good end-of-the-world night; she dropped her sats pretty low a few times, but she didn't stop breathing or drop her heart rate. Not a true episode, but it did get her oxygen turned up by the nurse. Oh, and get this--she weighs 3lb 7oz! She gained 4 ounces!! Now I'm not sure that all that weight is going to stick, but it sure is nice to see that number. I'm worried about her gained so slowly. I feel like I'm breathing better today, so pray I get to see her!
I forgot to mention that I showed pictures of Aubrey to a complete stranger for the first time a couple of days ago. On day 2 of my NICU ban I figured I had time to get my hair cut, something I'd been putting off for a while. The poor girl cutting my hair asked if I was excited about the holidays...my enormous sigh had to have tipped her off that I wasn't exactly kid-on-Christmas-morning thrilled, so I decided to explain myself. I got the usual gasp and shocked face when I told her how much Aubrey weighed the day she was born, and another gasp-shock combo when I showed her a pic of the first time we kangarooed. Then I had to show her what she looked like now, and the girl's face smoothed into a smile at the sight of a "real" baby. People just don't know what to say, and that's ok. I probably wouldn't either if I'd never been in this situation myself.
I got to see my baby!!!! Dr. Brawley called this afternoon to check on me, and the first thing he said when I answered the phone was "you sound better!" YES, I'm better, now let me in!! I told him I wouldn't hold her or touch her, I just wanted to see her and sit with her. He said that was ok, so Adam held her and I just stared at her for a couple of hours. THAT is what made me feel so much better. Aubrey had a good day too. I was hoping all that weight she gained wasn't going to be because of fluid retention, and thankfully her little feet and hands weren't swollen. She's so beautiful.
Well, the world is still here. Color me surprised. I don't know what all the fuss was about seeing as God already told us that no one knows when the world will end. If He hasn't even told the angels in heaven, he sure as heck didn't tell the Mayans. Sweet Aubrey had a pretty good end-of-the-world night; she dropped her sats pretty low a few times, but she didn't stop breathing or drop her heart rate. Not a true episode, but it did get her oxygen turned up by the nurse. Oh, and get this--she weighs 3lb 7oz! She gained 4 ounces!! Now I'm not sure that all that weight is going to stick, but it sure is nice to see that number. I'm worried about her gained so slowly. I feel like I'm breathing better today, so pray I get to see her!
I forgot to mention that I showed pictures of Aubrey to a complete stranger for the first time a couple of days ago. On day 2 of my NICU ban I figured I had time to get my hair cut, something I'd been putting off for a while. The poor girl cutting my hair asked if I was excited about the holidays...my enormous sigh had to have tipped her off that I wasn't exactly kid-on-Christmas-morning thrilled, so I decided to explain myself. I got the usual gasp and shocked face when I told her how much Aubrey weighed the day she was born, and another gasp-shock combo when I showed her a pic of the first time we kangarooed. Then I had to show her what she looked like now, and the girl's face smoothed into a smile at the sight of a "real" baby. People just don't know what to say, and that's ok. I probably wouldn't either if I'd never been in this situation myself.
holding daddy's hand |
her hat is getting too small! |
know that scene in "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" where the
crazy bald chief/priest guy pulls the still-beating heart from a man's
chest? I realized that that's exactly what happened to me when Aubrey
was born--she pulled my heart right out with her, clutching it in the
tiniest hand I have ever seen. I guess it will feel like my heart is
outside of my body for the rest of my life.
Aubrey's room |
I got to see my baby!!!! Dr. Brawley called this afternoon to check on me, and the first thing he said when I answered the phone was "you sound better!" YES, I'm better, now let me in!! I told him I wouldn't hold her or touch her, I just wanted to see her and sit with her. He said that was ok, so Adam held her and I just stared at her for a couple of hours. THAT is what made me feel so much better. Aubrey had a good day too. I was hoping all that weight she gained wasn't going to be because of fluid retention, and thankfully her little feet and hands weren't swollen. She's so beautiful.
so good to see her and be seen after 4 days! |
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Our baby is a miracle. I know, all babies are miracles, really, but let me just lay some things out for you here. A baby is considered premature if he/she is born before 37 weeks gestation. One out of every 8 babies is born premature, and prematurity is the leading cause of infant death. A micropreemie is a baby born before 26 weeks gestation and around 1 3/4 pounds. If a baby is born before 20 weeks, it's considered a miscarriage; at 22 weeks, very few doctors will try to resuscitate the baby because there is such a large chance of death no matter what they do, or if they survive it's almost certain the baby will have severe neurological problems. The gestational age that's commonly considered the limit of survival outside of the womb is 24 weeks. When was Aubrey born? Twenty-four weeks and 3 days. The fact that she was born crying and kicking is amazing. She is a miracle.
Babies born in the zone between 23 and 25 weeks of gestational age are faced with a plethora of problems to overcome. The first huge obstacle is breathing: even babies born before 37 weeks face potential lung problems as that is usually the last system to finish developing in utero. A baby born at 24 weeks has not begun making the air sacs it needs in the lungs to breathe properly. Also, a substance called "surfactant," which helps the lungs open up at birth so the infant can breathe, hasn't begun to be produced until between 24 and 28 weeks gestation, and is not produced in sufficient quantities until 35-37 weeks. Corticosteroids are given in shot form to the mother if the doctors think the baby will be born prematurely (thankfully I received 2 shots before Aubrey arrived)--this helps the baby produce surfactant. Many preemies have respiratory distress syndrome, or RDS, which is a condition that makes it difficult for the oxygen that comes through the lungs to pass into the blood. Aubrey was given artificial surfactant, but only needed the assistance of a ventilator to help her breathe for about 2 days after she was born. She has been breathing on her own (with the exception of 2 days back on the vent to rest her lungs) since then. Many preemies spend weeks and months on a ventilator. She is a miracle.
Another enormous obstacle preemies face is sepsis, or infections in the blood. Aubrey's skin was so thin and fragile when she was born that we could see her capillaries through it all over her body. Skin is normally the body's first line of defense against infection; added to that, she had many foreign objects going into her in the form of IV lines--those were places in which bacteria could easily invade her tiny body. Also a cause for concern was the fact that since she was born before the third trimester, she didn't receive any of the immunities that newborns are supposed to get from their mothers in the last 3 months of pregnancy. These factors left her wide open to an array of infections, including necrotizing enterocolitis, which causes death of intestinal tissue in preemies and can be fatal. Dr. Sharp told us early on that most preemies have an average of 4.5 infections while in the NICU. As of now, Aubrey has not had a single one (we are praying it stays that way). She is a miracle.
Something else that worried us right after she was born was her PDA, or patent ductus arteriosus. It's basically an open blood vessel between the heart and lungs that closes on its own after a baby is born at full term. If it doesn't close, blood can flow into the lungs instead of around them, and that's not good for a preemie whose lungs are already overworked. Sometimes surgery is needed to close it. Aubrey's closed on its own within about 2 weeks. She is a miracle.
A doctor came in and did an ultrasound of Aubrey's brain shortly after she was born. He was looking for intraventricular hemorrhaging, or bleeding in the brain. It can cause pressure to build up in the brain and eventually cause brain damage. It's most common in babies born before 30 weeks gestation. Aubrey's brain scan was clear. She is a miracle.
Aubrey has had her beautiful eyes checked several times now; the doctor was checking for retinopathy of prematurity, which is abnormal or disorganized blood vessel growth in the eyes. The doctor said her pretty peepers look good so far. She is a miracle.
I realize that there are still so many things we don't know, so many variables yet to be uncovered. Could Aubrey have vision problems or be developmentally delayed in some way? She was born 16 weeks too early. Of course it's possible. At 24 weeks, she only had a 56% chance of survival. She has beaten so many odds already that we know only God is responsible for her still being here with us and as healthy as she is. I took as good care of her as I knew how for 24 weeks, and God placed her in the hands of very capable doctors and nurses after she skidded into the world. We've watched her grow in ways that are not supposed to be seen by human eyes; that in and of itself is something from a sci-fi novel. She's been called a fighter, feisty, an over-achiever...yes. She is all of those things. But most of all, she is a beautiful, perfect miracle; one we can't wait to bring home and watch grow into an even more amazing little girl.
Babies born in the zone between 23 and 25 weeks of gestational age are faced with a plethora of problems to overcome. The first huge obstacle is breathing: even babies born before 37 weeks face potential lung problems as that is usually the last system to finish developing in utero. A baby born at 24 weeks has not begun making the air sacs it needs in the lungs to breathe properly. Also, a substance called "surfactant," which helps the lungs open up at birth so the infant can breathe, hasn't begun to be produced until between 24 and 28 weeks gestation, and is not produced in sufficient quantities until 35-37 weeks. Corticosteroids are given in shot form to the mother if the doctors think the baby will be born prematurely (thankfully I received 2 shots before Aubrey arrived)--this helps the baby produce surfactant. Many preemies have respiratory distress syndrome, or RDS, which is a condition that makes it difficult for the oxygen that comes through the lungs to pass into the blood. Aubrey was given artificial surfactant, but only needed the assistance of a ventilator to help her breathe for about 2 days after she was born. She has been breathing on her own (with the exception of 2 days back on the vent to rest her lungs) since then. Many preemies spend weeks and months on a ventilator. She is a miracle.
Another enormous obstacle preemies face is sepsis, or infections in the blood. Aubrey's skin was so thin and fragile when she was born that we could see her capillaries through it all over her body. Skin is normally the body's first line of defense against infection; added to that, she had many foreign objects going into her in the form of IV lines--those were places in which bacteria could easily invade her tiny body. Also a cause for concern was the fact that since she was born before the third trimester, she didn't receive any of the immunities that newborns are supposed to get from their mothers in the last 3 months of pregnancy. These factors left her wide open to an array of infections, including necrotizing enterocolitis, which causes death of intestinal tissue in preemies and can be fatal. Dr. Sharp told us early on that most preemies have an average of 4.5 infections while in the NICU. As of now, Aubrey has not had a single one (we are praying it stays that way). She is a miracle.
Something else that worried us right after she was born was her PDA, or patent ductus arteriosus. It's basically an open blood vessel between the heart and lungs that closes on its own after a baby is born at full term. If it doesn't close, blood can flow into the lungs instead of around them, and that's not good for a preemie whose lungs are already overworked. Sometimes surgery is needed to close it. Aubrey's closed on its own within about 2 weeks. She is a miracle.
A doctor came in and did an ultrasound of Aubrey's brain shortly after she was born. He was looking for intraventricular hemorrhaging, or bleeding in the brain. It can cause pressure to build up in the brain and eventually cause brain damage. It's most common in babies born before 30 weeks gestation. Aubrey's brain scan was clear. She is a miracle.
Aubrey has had her beautiful eyes checked several times now; the doctor was checking for retinopathy of prematurity, which is abnormal or disorganized blood vessel growth in the eyes. The doctor said her pretty peepers look good so far. She is a miracle.
I realize that there are still so many things we don't know, so many variables yet to be uncovered. Could Aubrey have vision problems or be developmentally delayed in some way? She was born 16 weeks too early. Of course it's possible. At 24 weeks, she only had a 56% chance of survival. She has beaten so many odds already that we know only God is responsible for her still being here with us and as healthy as she is. I took as good care of her as I knew how for 24 weeks, and God placed her in the hands of very capable doctors and nurses after she skidded into the world. We've watched her grow in ways that are not supposed to be seen by human eyes; that in and of itself is something from a sci-fi novel. She's been called a fighter, feisty, an over-achiever...yes. She is all of those things. But most of all, she is a beautiful, perfect miracle; one we can't wait to bring home and watch grow into an even more amazing little girl.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Aubrey did ok through the night--the nurse said she had a couple of episodes because of reflux but stayed on 21% oxygen all night. She weighs 3lb 3oz. I'm tired of getting all these updates about her secondhand--I still can't see her. :( I know me not going into the NICU is best for her (and all the other babies--I'd be ticked if some other parent came back there all snotty), but I miss her so much. I might have to go up to the hospital and just look through the glass doors and see if I can catch her arm or leg waving around. I just need a glimpse. My heart hurts.
So, I did go to the glass doors and stare inside. Actually Molly, her nurse today, called me earlier and asked how I was...when I said I was still congested, she said I should wait one more day. Molly said Aubrey had a good day--she was on 21% all day and the respiratory therapist turned the flow down to 2 from 3. They stopped her caffeine that she's been getting all this time for her lungs--the dr said caffeine can increase reflux. They increased her feedings a little as well. Lots of babies have gone home in the last few days, so they decided to consolidate them all into 2 of the 6 rooms so they could do some work on the other rooms; we lost our coveted space close to the glass doors where we'd been since she was born. They were moving her to the very front room. She wanted to know if Adam was coming to see her and hold her...she said she would figure out a way to let me see her through the glass if I came too, so of course I went. Molly bundled her up and gave her to Adam, then they unhooked all of her cords, re-hooked her oxygen to a portable tank, and came up to the doors. She was wide awake and waving an arm and looking all beautiful and sweet and I stood in the hall, separated from her by glass, staring at her and crying. I'm so glad Adam got to hold her for a while, but good grief I need to snuggle my baby girl! Maybe by the weekend...
Aubrey did ok through the night--the nurse said she had a couple of episodes because of reflux but stayed on 21% oxygen all night. She weighs 3lb 3oz. I'm tired of getting all these updates about her secondhand--I still can't see her. :( I know me not going into the NICU is best for her (and all the other babies--I'd be ticked if some other parent came back there all snotty), but I miss her so much. I might have to go up to the hospital and just look through the glass doors and see if I can catch her arm or leg waving around. I just need a glimpse. My heart hurts.
So, I did go to the glass doors and stare inside. Actually Molly, her nurse today, called me earlier and asked how I was...when I said I was still congested, she said I should wait one more day. Molly said Aubrey had a good day--she was on 21% all day and the respiratory therapist turned the flow down to 2 from 3. They stopped her caffeine that she's been getting all this time for her lungs--the dr said caffeine can increase reflux. They increased her feedings a little as well. Lots of babies have gone home in the last few days, so they decided to consolidate them all into 2 of the 6 rooms so they could do some work on the other rooms; we lost our coveted space close to the glass doors where we'd been since she was born. They were moving her to the very front room. She wanted to know if Adam was coming to see her and hold her...she said she would figure out a way to let me see her through the glass if I came too, so of course I went. Molly bundled her up and gave her to Adam, then they unhooked all of her cords, re-hooked her oxygen to a portable tank, and came up to the doors. She was wide awake and waving an arm and looking all beautiful and sweet and I stood in the hall, separated from her by glass, staring at her and crying. I'm so glad Adam got to hold her for a while, but good grief I need to snuggle my baby girl! Maybe by the weekend...
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Aubrey is fine. She had a good night. No episodes, gained 5 grams. Aubrey's mama is miserable. My head is stuffed up, but the worst part is that I haven't been in sight of my baby in 36 hours. I'm sure they won't let me in today. I haven't held her in 2 days...does she miss me? Will she realize I haven't been there? Is she going to forget me? Will she look different when I finally see her? This sucks. Don't say "sucks," Aubrey.
Banned from the NICU, day 2. :( I know it's best for her; I'd never forgive myself if she got sick because of me. Now the CDC has called the NICU to warn them that something that resembles a headcold for the first few days then turns into the flu is going around. Yay. Let's hope mine is just the cold part. I haven't had a cold or anything else in over 2 years...why now??? I miss my baby. Adam's there with her now and I'm crazy jealous.
I went to the NICU and said hey to Aubrey. She is looking so baby like and so good. She has had several reflux episodes so her oxygen level dropped many times but while I was there she didn't do it one time. Her feedings have been increased but the tube is still in her intestine bypassing her stomach. No word from the eye doctor but the nurse said there would be a follow up in a few weeks, and based on her experience that was good news.
I asked the nurse about Keli's milk. The charge nurse said that due to Keli's sniffles, combined withe CDC warning, they don't want her milk for now. So we will be pumping and dumping and using frozen milk that has been stored. We have enough of it from pumping every three hours day and night and only using about 2 portions of the 8 collected daily. If milk was t so plentiful then it would be used but for now we will use the frozen.
Keli has gotten a little bit sicker. I mean more sick. A little bit. Her voice is deeper and she is coughing now. Probably means she won't be able to see tomorrow either. Argh. And I have a cough and had some junk in my throat. So maybe when I wake up I will be sick too.
In the meantime, our nurse said that someone needed to hold Aubrey. Claudia manned up and took the responsibility. She of course called Keli first about it and of course Keli didn't like the idea, but Keli said that her mothers voice sounds like hers so it would be ok. Just tell her that I love her, she said between tears.
So it's been rough here with the agony of not being able to see Aubrey. I took the night off to care for Keli. We went to the baby store and laughed and joked and then spent some cuddle time on the couch and it helped her emotionally. Keli is strong, but those dang tears want out. She had tears in the baby store when the clerk asked when the due date was. But I was there to collect them, then lay the crib mattress on the floor and laid on it to see which one would be more comfortable for Aubrey. My goal of laughter was attained. We picked up stuff we needed and headed home.
I am so grateful for my supervisors and my agency. They have been so understanding and helpful through this time.
The nurse Molly understood Keli's pain and helped Aubrey with making a Christmas card to give to her mother. Molly inked Aubrey's feet and pressed them onto a Christmas card. It is adorable. I compared the Christmas card to the birthday card and and you can really see how much she is growing.
Aubrey is fine. She had a good night. No episodes, gained 5 grams. Aubrey's mama is miserable. My head is stuffed up, but the worst part is that I haven't been in sight of my baby in 36 hours. I'm sure they won't let me in today. I haven't held her in 2 days...does she miss me? Will she realize I haven't been there? Is she going to forget me? Will she look different when I finally see her? This sucks. Don't say "sucks," Aubrey.
Banned from the NICU, day 2. :( I know it's best for her; I'd never forgive myself if she got sick because of me. Now the CDC has called the NICU to warn them that something that resembles a headcold for the first few days then turns into the flu is going around. Yay. Let's hope mine is just the cold part. I haven't had a cold or anything else in over 2 years...why now??? I miss my baby. Adam's there with her now and I'm crazy jealous.
I went to the NICU and said hey to Aubrey. She is looking so baby like and so good. She has had several reflux episodes so her oxygen level dropped many times but while I was there she didn't do it one time. Her feedings have been increased but the tube is still in her intestine bypassing her stomach. No word from the eye doctor but the nurse said there would be a follow up in a few weeks, and based on her experience that was good news.
I asked the nurse about Keli's milk. The charge nurse said that due to Keli's sniffles, combined withe CDC warning, they don't want her milk for now. So we will be pumping and dumping and using frozen milk that has been stored. We have enough of it from pumping every three hours day and night and only using about 2 portions of the 8 collected daily. If milk was t so plentiful then it would be used but for now we will use the frozen.
Keli has gotten a little bit sicker. I mean more sick. A little bit. Her voice is deeper and she is coughing now. Probably means she won't be able to see tomorrow either. Argh. And I have a cough and had some junk in my throat. So maybe when I wake up I will be sick too.
In the meantime, our nurse said that someone needed to hold Aubrey. Claudia manned up and took the responsibility. She of course called Keli first about it and of course Keli didn't like the idea, but Keli said that her mothers voice sounds like hers so it would be ok. Just tell her that I love her, she said between tears.
So it's been rough here with the agony of not being able to see Aubrey. I took the night off to care for Keli. We went to the baby store and laughed and joked and then spent some cuddle time on the couch and it helped her emotionally. Keli is strong, but those dang tears want out. She had tears in the baby store when the clerk asked when the due date was. But I was there to collect them, then lay the crib mattress on the floor and laid on it to see which one would be more comfortable for Aubrey. My goal of laughter was attained. We picked up stuff we needed and headed home.
I am so grateful for my supervisors and my agency. They have been so understanding and helpful through this time.
The nurse Molly understood Keli's pain and helped Aubrey with making a Christmas card to give to her mother. Molly inked Aubrey's feet and pressed them onto a Christmas card. It is adorable. I compared the Christmas card to the birthday card and and you can really see how much she is growing.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
We had a great time at the 3 pound party last night with family and friends (who might as well be family) that have supported us and Aubrey through this entire time. We pretty much took over the seating area in that's beside the Starbucks in Target and were loud and raucous. :)
Aubrey had a good night--no episodes to speak of. She had a doozy of one yesterday when I was there, but it didn't last very long thankfully. She got drops to dilate her eyes and the eye doctor was supposed to come check them yesterday, so hopefully we'll find out the results today. She weighs 3lb 2oz. The night nurse said Aubrey managed to kick her blanket roll that they are usually tucked into out of her way and ended up scooting all the way down to the end of her bed...the nurse found her down there snoozing away happily, quite proud of herself. :)
Squeeze in a prayer for me if you can--I have a stuffy nose and feel like a cold is coming on. I need whatever this is to go away ASAP...I can't go into the NICU if I'm sick. I will be beyond miserable if I can't see her. :(
1412 hours (2:12 pm)
Keli was told not to come to the NICU as a precaution due to nasal drainage and symptoms of a cold. These type germs would not be good for Aubrey to be around. But in the meanwhile, Keli's misery index is off the charts. I love Keli too much to see her go through this.
This is the first day since she was conceived that I haven't been near my daughter. I hate it. Please keep praying that whatever this is goes away soon, like NOW. All the crying is not helping.
2220 hours. 10:20 pm
Keli has had an absolutely miserable and agonizing afternoon. It is hard to make her laugh and well, it's tough on her. But she is a champ. I just wish I could take the pain away. She just has the sniffles, a little junk in her throat, but doesn't feel bad. No fever or anything.
I went to see Aubrey and to sign some papers regarding immunization. She looked really good. She had a good day. They nurse said that she had three episodes this morning but at 1100 they had changed the nose prongs to a smaller size and the episodes stopped. She had a really messy green diaper and a little spit up, but she was peaceful during the diaper change and the mouth suction. I think she has my laid back personality. I took several pictures to take back to Keli and even a video. In the video she sneezed.
There are a total of 6 pods capable of handling up to 6 babies each in the NICU. They have been sending babies home left and right. Two pods have been empty, but in the past few days, they have cleaned out so many that they only have two pods of babies, and one is only half full. Or is it half empty. I am so thankful that in all the reorganization of resources and personnel that they have not moved Aubrey. She has stayed in the same place since the day she came in. Her fan club can still gather in the hallway and see the corner of her condo anytime. When we walk in, we don't have to look around for her, or walk up to a condo, realize its the wrong baby, then try to find Aubrey. So many small blessings.
When I first got there she was completely covered by the blanket. As I was there I lifted it up, then pulled it back completely to allow more light in. She looked really alert and opened her eyes and moved them around. As I was leaving, I closed the blanket allowing it to become dark inside the condo. I picked up the corner to peek one last time and say goodnight and I saw her move her head a little in my direction and move her eyes generally to that corner of the bed. Hmm I thought. So I closed that corner and went to the other side and opened the blanket. I watched her after a few seconds move her head a little and then her eyes to my corner of the bed which was the opposite side. Yes her sensors are working and she is learning to respond to light and sound a little. Adorable.
No definite hair color yet. Still kinda dark blonde.
Please pray for Keli.
We had a great time at the 3 pound party last night with family and friends (who might as well be family) that have supported us and Aubrey through this entire time. We pretty much took over the seating area in that's beside the Starbucks in Target and were loud and raucous. :)
Aubrey had a good night--no episodes to speak of. She had a doozy of one yesterday when I was there, but it didn't last very long thankfully. She got drops to dilate her eyes and the eye doctor was supposed to come check them yesterday, so hopefully we'll find out the results today. She weighs 3lb 2oz. The night nurse said Aubrey managed to kick her blanket roll that they are usually tucked into out of her way and ended up scooting all the way down to the end of her bed...the nurse found her down there snoozing away happily, quite proud of herself. :)
Squeeze in a prayer for me if you can--I have a stuffy nose and feel like a cold is coming on. I need whatever this is to go away ASAP...I can't go into the NICU if I'm sick. I will be beyond miserable if I can't see her. :(
1412 hours (2:12 pm)
Keli was told not to come to the NICU as a precaution due to nasal drainage and symptoms of a cold. These type germs would not be good for Aubrey to be around. But in the meanwhile, Keli's misery index is off the charts. I love Keli too much to see her go through this.
This is the first day since she was conceived that I haven't been near my daughter. I hate it. Please keep praying that whatever this is goes away soon, like NOW. All the crying is not helping.
2220 hours. 10:20 pm
Keli has had an absolutely miserable and agonizing afternoon. It is hard to make her laugh and well, it's tough on her. But she is a champ. I just wish I could take the pain away. She just has the sniffles, a little junk in her throat, but doesn't feel bad. No fever or anything.
I went to see Aubrey and to sign some papers regarding immunization. She looked really good. She had a good day. They nurse said that she had three episodes this morning but at 1100 they had changed the nose prongs to a smaller size and the episodes stopped. She had a really messy green diaper and a little spit up, but she was peaceful during the diaper change and the mouth suction. I think she has my laid back personality. I took several pictures to take back to Keli and even a video. In the video she sneezed.
There are a total of 6 pods capable of handling up to 6 babies each in the NICU. They have been sending babies home left and right. Two pods have been empty, but in the past few days, they have cleaned out so many that they only have two pods of babies, and one is only half full. Or is it half empty. I am so thankful that in all the reorganization of resources and personnel that they have not moved Aubrey. She has stayed in the same place since the day she came in. Her fan club can still gather in the hallway and see the corner of her condo anytime. When we walk in, we don't have to look around for her, or walk up to a condo, realize its the wrong baby, then try to find Aubrey. So many small blessings.
When I first got there she was completely covered by the blanket. As I was there I lifted it up, then pulled it back completely to allow more light in. She looked really alert and opened her eyes and moved them around. As I was leaving, I closed the blanket allowing it to become dark inside the condo. I picked up the corner to peek one last time and say goodnight and I saw her move her head a little in my direction and move her eyes generally to that corner of the bed. Hmm I thought. So I closed that corner and went to the other side and opened the blanket. I watched her after a few seconds move her head a little and then her eyes to my corner of the bed which was the opposite side. Yes her sensors are working and she is learning to respond to light and sound a little. Adorable.
No definite hair color yet. Still kinda dark blonde.
Please pray for Keli.
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OOhhh. Daddy's here! |
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Yaawwwnn. |
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Yawning... |
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All done. Her yawns are so quick these pictures were taken as fast as I could. |
Monday, December 17, 2012
Monday December 17, 2012
0600 hours. (6 am)
The nurse said that Aubrey had a fair night. Nothing major happened but she would drop her O2 level many times just for a few seconds. She had to suction her mouth out about 3 times from the reflux and believes that most of the Dsats are from the reflux. There are things they can do to prevent them or slow them down like medication or even give her rice to make the milk heavier so that it stays down. But the doctors use those methods as a last resort and try to see if she can naturally outgrow them first. Her weight is at 3 pounds 1 ounce and there were no poopy diapers on the night shift. I know, tmi, but that is still important information to keep track of.
Keli and I are having a dinner date at a secret undisclosed location that may or may not be near the Starbucks. We have gift cards to this glorified sandwich and bagel store. Yay gift cards.
The Starbucks 3 lb party will be at the Starbucks in the target shopping center in the Augusta exchange. There is a 60% chance of rain so lets be under a roof. Time will be 6:30. Come and celebrate with us even if you may not like Starbucks. (I picked Starbucks due to its close proximity to our secret undisclosed date location and we were given gift cards. )
I just wanted to express thanks to everyone that has helped us and given us gift cards and other presents. It overwhelms me and humbles me. The gift cards have been so wonderful as Keli doesn't have to worry about cooking and dishes after spending the afternoon with Aubrey. We are still processing all our gifts and preparing the nursery. The couple of things we lack still are paid for through other gift cards. With all the things you have given us, there is that much less that we have to procure, and more importantly, the time it takes to procure it. We are able to relax and just spend time with Aubrey. All the shopping is done for us. Thank you.
- adam
I'm kind of weepy today (like crying is anything unusual for me anyway), and for no real good (or bad) reason. Nothing is so very wrong, but there are just a lot of little things that aren't right, I guess. Aubrey is doing better, but she still has so far to go. I love the celebrations we have for her, but it dampens it for me, at least, that we're having these parties that she can't even be there for. She's gonna have a rockin' first birthday party, rest assured.
The murders in Connecticut are really weighing on me as well; things like that are always horrible, but I guess I feel the deaths of children even more deeply now that I have one of my own. I have been so terrified and worried for Aubrey so many times, and still I know that it can't compare to how the parents of those children who were gunned down are feeling. Frankly, I'm amazed that they are still standing, still breathing, still willing themselves to keep living. It also breaks my heart that the children that lived through this witnessed that maliciousness, that pure evil, up close. It has to have put a dark spot on their hearts that will remain for the rest of their lives.
Then last night I found out that 2 Topeka, Kansas police officers were killed on duty. Thanks to policewives.org (little plug for my girls!), I'm connected to so many officer's wives around the country; because of this, and because I worry about my own cop, I feel it each time an officer is lost. A few of the ladies I know knew at least one of the officers personally. I've been to 4 police funerals, and I could stand to never attend another. Too much sadness this weekend. Too much.
Today will get better. I just have to let it. I'll hang out with my kid. Maybe even get to see my husband for more than 5 minutes. That would be cool. Ok. Here I go. Oh wait...coffee first. ;)
The nurse said that Aubrey had a fair night. Nothing major happened but she would drop her O2 level many times just for a few seconds. She had to suction her mouth out about 3 times from the reflux and believes that most of the Dsats are from the reflux. There are things they can do to prevent them or slow them down like medication or even give her rice to make the milk heavier so that it stays down. But the doctors use those methods as a last resort and try to see if she can naturally outgrow them first. Her weight is at 3 pounds 1 ounce and there were no poopy diapers on the night shift. I know, tmi, but that is still important information to keep track of.
Keli and I are having a dinner date at a secret undisclosed location that may or may not be near the Starbucks. We have gift cards to this glorified sandwich and bagel store. Yay gift cards.
The Starbucks 3 lb party will be at the Starbucks in the target shopping center in the Augusta exchange. There is a 60% chance of rain so lets be under a roof. Time will be 6:30. Come and celebrate with us even if you may not like Starbucks. (I picked Starbucks due to its close proximity to our secret undisclosed date location and we were given gift cards. )
I just wanted to express thanks to everyone that has helped us and given us gift cards and other presents. It overwhelms me and humbles me. The gift cards have been so wonderful as Keli doesn't have to worry about cooking and dishes after spending the afternoon with Aubrey. We are still processing all our gifts and preparing the nursery. The couple of things we lack still are paid for through other gift cards. With all the things you have given us, there is that much less that we have to procure, and more importantly, the time it takes to procure it. We are able to relax and just spend time with Aubrey. All the shopping is done for us. Thank you.
- adam
I'm kind of weepy today (like crying is anything unusual for me anyway), and for no real good (or bad) reason. Nothing is so very wrong, but there are just a lot of little things that aren't right, I guess. Aubrey is doing better, but she still has so far to go. I love the celebrations we have for her, but it dampens it for me, at least, that we're having these parties that she can't even be there for. She's gonna have a rockin' first birthday party, rest assured.
The murders in Connecticut are really weighing on me as well; things like that are always horrible, but I guess I feel the deaths of children even more deeply now that I have one of my own. I have been so terrified and worried for Aubrey so many times, and still I know that it can't compare to how the parents of those children who were gunned down are feeling. Frankly, I'm amazed that they are still standing, still breathing, still willing themselves to keep living. It also breaks my heart that the children that lived through this witnessed that maliciousness, that pure evil, up close. It has to have put a dark spot on their hearts that will remain for the rest of their lives.
Then last night I found out that 2 Topeka, Kansas police officers were killed on duty. Thanks to policewives.org (little plug for my girls!), I'm connected to so many officer's wives around the country; because of this, and because I worry about my own cop, I feel it each time an officer is lost. A few of the ladies I know knew at least one of the officers personally. I've been to 4 police funerals, and I could stand to never attend another. Too much sadness this weekend. Too much.
Today will get better. I just have to let it. I'll hang out with my kid. Maybe even get to see my husband for more than 5 minutes. That would be cool. Ok. Here I go. Oh wait...coffee first. ;)
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
1700 hours. 5 pm
Don't forget our 3 lb Starbucks party tomorrow (monday) at the Starbucks at the Augusta exchange at 1830 hours (6:30 pm). Everyone is invited to celebrate the milestone with us!!
- Floating on clouds daddy!
Wee Bit had a good afternoon...she dropped her O2 several times, but she always brought it back up and her heart rate never dropped. She was perfect the whole time we kangarooed, and she stayed awake the entire time too, which is unusual. She got all agitated when we put her back in her condo, all kicking and squirmy, then I saw her gag. And then her O2 dropped. I guess she had some reflux that just didn't come out as spit up, poor baby.
She did well through the night--no episodes and is still 3lbs even. They stopped her feedings for about 15 minutes because she had spit up some milk a couple of times, but the nurse said just that little rest seemed to help and she was fine after that. Can't wait to hang out with her this afternoon.
1700 hours. 5 pm
Don't forget our 3 lb Starbucks party tomorrow (monday) at the Starbucks at the Augusta exchange at 1830 hours (6:30 pm). Everyone is invited to celebrate the milestone with us!!
- Floating on clouds daddy!
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good sleepin'. |
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ET foot! |
Wee Bit had a good afternoon...she dropped her O2 several times, but she always brought it back up and her heart rate never dropped. She was perfect the whole time we kangarooed, and she stayed awake the entire time too, which is unusual. She got all agitated when we put her back in her condo, all kicking and squirmy, then I saw her gag. And then her O2 dropped. I guess she had some reflux that just didn't come out as spit up, poor baby.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Saturday. December 15, 2012
0600 hours. 6 am
Yay for 3 pounds!! Yay yay yay and more yay! Our 3 pound Starbucks party will be celebrated at the Starbucks in the Augusta exchange. If its raining then we will go to the Starbucks in the target. It will be Monday evening at 1830 hours (6:30 pm). Everyone is invited to celebrate with us.
Well...let's hope she'll be back up to 3lbs by Monday. ;) She was 2lb 15oz this morning, but she usually fluctuates a little. I'm sure she'll tip back over 3 today. Went to see her early this morning...she was bright eyed and bushy tailed when mom and I got there. I held her burrito-style and she went to sleep after peeking at us for a few minutes. She had an episode last night and one this morning, but she was still on room air and doing ok.
We got to see little bit for a short while this afternoon. She was doing well and had had a good day. She jumped up and down in her oxygen saturation a few times, but she always brought it back up on her own. We had to leave relatively early--Adam had to work tonight, but we had to go to his work Christmas dinner/awards banquet first. Adam found out last week he was nominated for Deputy of the Year for the county. GUESS WHAT??? HE WON!!!! I'm SO proud of him. He works so hard, is very good at what he does, and he loves his job despite all the annoyances of it. It made it all the nicer that his fellow deputies nominated him and voted for him. :)
Yay for 3 pounds!! Yay yay yay and more yay! Our 3 pound Starbucks party will be celebrated at the Starbucks in the Augusta exchange. If its raining then we will go to the Starbucks in the target. It will be Monday evening at 1830 hours (6:30 pm). Everyone is invited to celebrate with us.
Well...let's hope she'll be back up to 3lbs by Monday. ;) She was 2lb 15oz this morning, but she usually fluctuates a little. I'm sure she'll tip back over 3 today. Went to see her early this morning...she was bright eyed and bushy tailed when mom and I got there. I held her burrito-style and she went to sleep after peeking at us for a few minutes. She had an episode last night and one this morning, but she was still on room air and doing ok.
so comfy. |
We got to see little bit for a short while this afternoon. She was doing well and had had a good day. She jumped up and down in her oxygen saturation a few times, but she always brought it back up on her own. We had to leave relatively early--Adam had to work tonight, but we had to go to his work Christmas dinner/awards banquet first. Adam found out last week he was nominated for Deputy of the Year for the county. GUESS WHAT??? HE WON!!!! I'm SO proud of him. He works so hard, is very good at what he does, and he loves his job despite all the annoyances of it. It made it all the nicer that his fellow deputies nominated him and voted for him. :)
Friday, December 14, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Hey! Guess what??? Our baby weighs 3 pounds!!! I'm so proud. :-) She did have 2 episodes last night, but the nurse said she had spit up and she thinks that was the problem. Her feedings have increased a little and she's getting extra calories now; once she gets adjusted to that, hopefully the reflux will settle down again.
On a completely different note, why is it that when one big, costly thing happens two more big costly things show up just behind it? We have no doubt that our hospital bills are going to be astronomical after Aubrey comes home (obviously something we hadn't planned on before October 20, but reality hit when we got our first bill where the total before insurance was 5 digits and the first digit was a 9), and we're looking into ways to get help for that; what Medicaid won't cover are the things that have popped up on our house that need to be redone. We already knew we needed a new roof--we have the money saved for that and Adam was getting estimates for it before Aubrey arrived. Well, someone came to check our heating/air units a couple of days ago and gave us the glorious news that all of our duct work in the crawl space under the house needs replacing. Not sure of the specifics (I was really tired when Adam was explaining it to me), but I think that the air from the crawl space is somehow getting sucked up into the house (and apparently that's not supposed to happen--you can see that I know tons about HVAC stuff). Well, with a new baby coming home in the next month or so (and one with super-sensitive lungs at that), we've decided that new ducts and good air quality take precedence over a new roof right now. So, looks like the roof will wait. And it's not like we're sitting around catching drips in buckets when it rains or anything, so don't go feeling all sorry for us; it does, however, prove the old adage that "when it rains, it pours."
*disclaimer: the above post was not written to garner sympathy...please don't send money or anything. Or feel sorry for us. Or think I'm making crap up (don't say "crap," Aubrey) to make our situation seem worse. I'm just writing about life. And stuff like that is LIFE. Ok, back to regularly scheduled blogging now.*
I just have to say that Aubrey is a dang cute baby. I mean, I know all parents think theirs is the cutest, but geez, she is some kind of precious. Anyway, she had a pretty good day. She had an episode early this morning, then she tried to have one when I was there this afternoon but we caught it in time before it got too bad. She did great while we kangarooed, thankfully; slept like a baby. ;-) She was super active and awake right as I was getting ready to leave, of course (I can't leave while her eyes are open--torture), but I did get some cute pictures. About 20 minutes after I left, the nurse called, and when I saw the NICU number on my phone my heart skipped. When I picked up, she immediately said, "the baby's fine! I just need to ask you a question!" Whew. She said Aubrey was still all agitated and wiggly, so she put her little finger up to her mouth and Aubrey went to town sucking on it. She wanted to know if she could try giving her a little pacifier. Hopefully she'll remember that sucking motion when it comes time to use a bottle and breastfeed. Now, for the cute pictures!
Hey! Guess what??? Our baby weighs 3 pounds!!! I'm so proud. :-) She did have 2 episodes last night, but the nurse said she had spit up and she thinks that was the problem. Her feedings have increased a little and she's getting extra calories now; once she gets adjusted to that, hopefully the reflux will settle down again.
On a completely different note, why is it that when one big, costly thing happens two more big costly things show up just behind it? We have no doubt that our hospital bills are going to be astronomical after Aubrey comes home (obviously something we hadn't planned on before October 20, but reality hit when we got our first bill where the total before insurance was 5 digits and the first digit was a 9), and we're looking into ways to get help for that; what Medicaid won't cover are the things that have popped up on our house that need to be redone. We already knew we needed a new roof--we have the money saved for that and Adam was getting estimates for it before Aubrey arrived. Well, someone came to check our heating/air units a couple of days ago and gave us the glorious news that all of our duct work in the crawl space under the house needs replacing. Not sure of the specifics (I was really tired when Adam was explaining it to me), but I think that the air from the crawl space is somehow getting sucked up into the house (and apparently that's not supposed to happen--you can see that I know tons about HVAC stuff). Well, with a new baby coming home in the next month or so (and one with super-sensitive lungs at that), we've decided that new ducts and good air quality take precedence over a new roof right now. So, looks like the roof will wait. And it's not like we're sitting around catching drips in buckets when it rains or anything, so don't go feeling all sorry for us; it does, however, prove the old adage that "when it rains, it pours."
*disclaimer: the above post was not written to garner sympathy...please don't send money or anything. Or feel sorry for us. Or think I'm making crap up (don't say "crap," Aubrey) to make our situation seem worse. I'm just writing about life. And stuff like that is LIFE. Ok, back to regularly scheduled blogging now.*
I just have to say that Aubrey is a dang cute baby. I mean, I know all parents think theirs is the cutest, but geez, she is some kind of precious. Anyway, she had a pretty good day. She had an episode early this morning, then she tried to have one when I was there this afternoon but we caught it in time before it got too bad. She did great while we kangarooed, thankfully; slept like a baby. ;-) She was super active and awake right as I was getting ready to leave, of course (I can't leave while her eyes are open--torture), but I did get some cute pictures. About 20 minutes after I left, the nurse called, and when I saw the NICU number on my phone my heart skipped. When I picked up, she immediately said, "the baby's fine! I just need to ask you a question!" Whew. She said Aubrey was still all agitated and wiggly, so she put her little finger up to her mouth and Aubrey went to town sucking on it. She wanted to know if she could try giving her a little pacifier. Hopefully she'll remember that sucking motion when it comes time to use a bottle and breastfeed. Now, for the cute pictures!
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oooh, mama, that tickles! |
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such a sweet girl. |
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what ARE you crazy people doing out there? |
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let kickboxing class commence! |
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