
Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday December 17, 2012

0600 hours. (6 am)

The nurse said that Aubrey had a fair night. Nothing major happened but she would drop her O2 level many times just for a few seconds. She had to suction her mouth out about 3 times from the reflux and believes that most of the Dsats are from the reflux. There are things they can do to prevent them or slow them down like medication or even give her rice to make the milk heavier so that it stays down. But the doctors use those methods as a last resort and try to see if she can naturally outgrow them first. Her weight is at 3 pounds 1 ounce and there were no poopy diapers on the night shift. I know, tmi, but that is still important information to keep track of.

Keli and I are having a dinner date at a secret undisclosed location that may or may not be near the Starbucks. We have gift cards to this glorified sandwich and bagel store. Yay gift cards.

The Starbucks 3 lb party will be at the Starbucks in the target shopping center in the Augusta exchange. There is a 60% chance of rain so lets be under a roof. Time will be 6:30. Come and celebrate with us even if you may not like Starbucks. (I picked Starbucks due to its close proximity to our secret undisclosed date location and we were given gift cards. )

I just wanted to express thanks to everyone that has helped us and given us gift cards and other presents. It overwhelms me and humbles me. The gift cards have been so wonderful as Keli doesn't have to worry about cooking and dishes after spending the afternoon with Aubrey. We are still processing all our gifts and preparing the nursery. The couple of things we lack still are paid for through other gift cards. With all the things you have given us, there is that much less that we have to procure, and more importantly, the time it takes to procure it. We are able to relax and just spend time with Aubrey. All the shopping is done for us. Thank you.

- adam


I'm kind of weepy today (like crying is anything unusual for me anyway), and for no real good (or bad) reason.  Nothing is so very wrong, but there are just a lot of little things that aren't right, I guess.  Aubrey is doing better, but she still has so far to go.  I love the celebrations we have for her, but it dampens it for me, at least, that we're having these parties that she can't even be there for.  She's gonna have a rockin' first birthday party, rest assured.

The murders in Connecticut are really weighing on me as well; things like that are always horrible, but I guess I feel the deaths of children even more deeply now that I have one of my own.  I have been so terrified and worried for Aubrey so many times, and still I know that it can't compare to how the parents of those children who were gunned down are feeling.  Frankly, I'm amazed that they are still standing, still breathing, still willing themselves to keep living.  It also breaks my heart that the children that lived through this witnessed that maliciousness, that pure evil, up close.  It has to have put a dark spot on their hearts that will remain for the rest of their lives. 

Then last night I found out that 2 Topeka, Kansas police officers were killed on duty.  Thanks to (little plug for my girls!), I'm connected to so many officer's wives around the country; because of this, and because I worry about my own cop, I feel it each time an officer is lost.  A few of the ladies I know knew at least one of the officers personally.  I've been to 4 police funerals, and I could stand to never attend another.  Too much sadness this weekend.  Too much.

Today will get better.  I just have to let it.  I'll hang out with my kid.  Maybe even get to see my husband for more than 5 minutes.  That would be cool.  Ok.  Here I go.  Oh first. ;)


1 comment:

  1. This weekend has sucked, hasn't it? My brother was a cop for a while (I think that's how you know Amanda), and I am in a Bible study group with two sheriff's officers and two police officers, so I'm bummed about the happenings in Topeka, too.

    As for Connecticut, yep. As President Obama quoted last night, being a parent is like having your heart walking around outside your body. It's terrifying. I snuggled with my oldest, who's almost four and started preschool this fall, for a really, really, really long time on Friday night.
