
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

7a.m.'s a good news kind of a morning, but, again, I hate to get too excited about a step forward because I know there can always be a step back.  But, today, I'm thanking the Lord for this jump that Aubrey made during the night.  The nurse took her CPAP mask and hat off to give her a bath about 2a.m.  When she was done, she said Aubrey looked at her like "do you have to put that thing back on me?"  So they decided to try her on the nasal cannula, which is the little tube and prongs that sit inside the nose you might have seen someone wear who carries around an oxygen machine.  She said they turned the flow rate up on it to compensate for the loss of pressure coming off the CPAP, and they might have to up the oxygen level a little, but as of this morning Aubrey was still on room air and doing well.  They did a blood gas (they take a little blood to check O2 and CO2 levels) at 6a.m. and it was great.  We'll get to see her whole little face all at once with no mask and no hat!!!  YAAAAAYY!  Oh yeah, and she gained 2 ounces to come up to 2lb 14oz!

-Keli, happy mom


So...I got to kiss my baby's head today.  For the first time.  Maybe I kissed her twice.  Ok, ok, three times. :)  It was different holding her today; maybe because I could look at her entire face and watch her expressions.  It was almost...normal.  Like it would have been if I could have held her right after she was born.  She did well all day on the cannula; she had one episode, but we expected that.  The doctor came by and said that he'd be putting an extra additive into her breast milk that will add some calories to it to helpfully up her weight gain some.  She got formula for the first time today because they temporarily ran out of that additive; the formula has more calories than breast milk, so they gave her that for one feeding to make up for it.

Adam and I have realized that we're going to have to start watching what we say...we aren't cursers by nature, thankfully, but we're already paying more attention to our words.  For example, Adam will say, "Had to deal with a bunch of idiots at work today.  Don't say 'idiots.'"  Or I'll say, "that's a bunch of crap. Don't say 'crap,' Aubrey."  So now it's become a game to catch the other person saying something we wouldn't want her to pick up and tell "her" not to say that.  Ok, so maybe it's not that funny written down here, but it's pretty funny if you're around when we do it. ;)



  1. Oh, look at that sweet little face!!!! So glad you (and we) finally got to see all of it! I think kissing their heads is my favorite part of the newborn stage.

    And yep, censoring each other is pretty funny. Good to get in the habit now, though; otherwise, you have to explain to three-year-old Aubrey why she shouldn't say "crap" or call other drivers "idiots." Not that I have any personal experience with this with my own three-year-old. Not at all. Nope. Huh-uh.

    Will continue praying that she grows!

  2. Kelli and Adam,

    Thank you so much for letting us all share this journey with you and pray for all of you. I check your blog daily. The news today was great and such a sweet little face. You surely have a miracle baby this Christmas season.

    Amanda Peterson's mother in law
