
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Well...we have a 4lb baby!  A 4lb 1oz baby to be exact.  She did well through the night tolerating her feedings with no episodes an no spit ups. Hopefully she'll go back on full feeds today and be able to get rid of the IV.  Also, having the IV out should mean that we can put clothes on her and swaddle her so that the top of the condo can be left open for periods of time to get her ready for going in a bassinet.

My parents always have a big new years eve party at their house.  My mom said we would just tell everyone when they arrived that it was actually a 4 pound party. ;)


baby girl's crazy hair

oh my goodness!

'roo time with mama


Our baby is so dang precious.  I just can't even tell you how much I like hanging out with her.  She's not doing anything spectacular--unless you count just being here and growing.  I guess that is pretty spectacular considering how and when she came into the world.  I got into the NICU today and I guess she had a bath last night because her hair was all fluffy and sticking up all over her head.  SO cute.  I got to snuggle with her for a really long time.  She stayed awake for a while and we chatted--I love seeing her big eyes swivel up towards me.  She just watched me for the longest time while I talked to her about things.  After she got bored with me prattling, she decided to take a nap and slept like a log for a while.  She's back on full feedings, so her IV stuff got stopped...they leave the IVs in until they come out on their own, just in case they need them again they won't have to stick her.  Her O2 saturation stayed in the 90s the majority of the afternoon/evening...she had one drop into the 40s but she brought it back up.

A set of tiny twins came into our room a day or two ago...tiny as in Aubrey's size when she was born.  The mama and daddy came in together today (mama is still in the hospital and came in a wheelchair), and the daddy pushed her back and forth between the baby condos to see them.  She was crying and he was trying to comfort her--I feel her pain to some extent, but I can't imagine worrying about TWO babies as fragile as Aubrey was in the beginning.  I gave her a tissue and told them that my baby started out that small and was now 4 pounds, and that I knew they could make it.  I know they didn't take in anything I said--there's no room for empty platitudes from anyone, even someone who's been in your shoes, when the pain is that fresh and you're watching your child (or children) hover in that terrifying dark place between death and life.  I pray that their NICU roller coaster ride goes smoothly.


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