nurse said, "i don't want to let her hear this, but she had a pretty
good night!" :) She had 2 episodes, didn't spit up, had a nice bath,
and was in general very cute. She weighs 2lb 10oz. Her nurses are the
best--I usually call in the morning and report back to Adam. Well, he
had time and called right before I did this morning, and the nurse gave
us both the whole spiel instead of just telling me to talk to him. They
know we're crazy and they tolerate us anyway. A couple of mornings ago, I called a little later than usual and got the unit clerk that I know (I don't know the night ones very well). She recognized my voice and laughed. I asked her later that afternoon why she was laughing at me. She said she wasn't laughing AT me...she said they have so many babies that no one calls to check on or comes to see, and it made her happy that Adam and I are there are much as we are and call to check on Aubrey when we can't be there. She said that we're cute. I must agree. :)
Well, Aubrey Claudia redeemed herself today for the awful episode Adam and I witnessed 2 nights ago. She had one episode this morning, then she was a peach the rest of the day. Her O2 went down a couple of times, but she always popped right back up like a good girl. She was awake for a long time, peeping around and being precious. She was also super wiggly, showing off her kickboxing skills this afternoon. We did get to kangaroo, and she was so good the entire time...she looked around for a minute or two, then went to SLEEP--like, twitchy, slack-jawed, awesome sleep. Adam worked today, and he just squeaked into the NICU in time to see her for about 10 minutes before we had to leave.
One of the rare times she was quiet and sleeping this afternoon. |
Well, Aubrey Claudia redeemed herself today for the awful episode Adam and I witnessed 2 nights ago. She had one episode this morning, then she was a peach the rest of the day. Her O2 went down a couple of times, but she always popped right back up like a good girl. She was awake for a long time, peeping around and being precious. She was also super wiggly, showing off her kickboxing skills this afternoon. We did get to kangaroo, and she was so good the entire time...she looked around for a minute or two, then went to SLEEP--like, twitchy, slack-jawed, awesome sleep. Adam worked today, and he just squeaked into the NICU in time to see her for about 10 minutes before we had to leave.
That is so sad that there are babies no one checks could anyone just leave their baby there and not check on them and see them all the time! Aubrey is lucky to have such great parents! :) ~Amanda B.