
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Sorry we're so late in posting's been a busy day.  We went to the hospital early this morning, before church, to see the little miss.  She was doing well, but had tipped back down to 2lb 11oz.  We think it was water weight that she tinkled out because her feet were kinda puffy yesterday but not today.  She had 2 episodes last night, but the nurse said it was because the prongs that go in her nose for the CPAP machine came out (she doesn't like the prongs).  We made it back to the hospital about 5:30 this afternoon...right after she had her only episode of the day (I'm sort of glad we missed it!).  We both got to hold her burrito-style for a little bit and I changed her diaper.  She's so dang cute--I think she's cuter every time I see her.

The tables at the shower were decorated with rubber ducks and blocks.  The blocks on each table spelled different things like "Aubrey," "sweet pea," and "feisty." :)

The reason we weren't at the hospital this afternoon was because our church threw us a baby shower.  Now it looks like Babies R Us threw up all over our dining room...not that that's a bad thing, mind you...we just have to sort through it and find places for all of it.  While I was holding Aubrey, I told her that lots of people loved her and that she got some great presents today--she smiled. It was perfect timing. :) 

Our dining's going to take me a week to go through everything and find a place for it. :)


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