
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Apparently our child gained over a pound during the night.  Now personally I think there is either something wrong with the scale or something else is afoot here.  No way could she go from 3lb 12 oz yesterday to 4lb 10oz today.  The nurse said, "I know that's a big discrepancy so I weighed her 3 times...I got the same thing every time!"  I'm sure getting the blood last night added some weight and the nurse said she's retaining some fluid, but when I get there later I might ask whoever has her today to weigh her again for me.  She had one episode during the night, but didn't have to have her oxygen turned up.


doing her best "grumpy cat" impression


I was in the NICU a long time today, and Aubrey had a good afternoon.   I asked the nurse about her weird weight, and she made a face and said they were going to watch it.  She said Aubrey did have to have fluids because of getting blood yesterday--feedings stop for the 3 hours it takes for the blood to go in and for 6 hours afterwards.  The fluids keep her from getting dehydrated, but they can also stick around and make it seem like she's gained weight when she actually hasn't.  She had another nasty green mayonnaise diaper and several pee-filled ones, so maybe she got rid of all the extra.  We got to kangaroo for a while and she did really well. They moved the feeding tube from her intestine up into her stomach to try and start getting it stretched out and ready for bottle feeding.

working that pacifier

The "excitement" came about 6p.m.  They got a new baby in, and so they had to put him in a room that wasn't being used because the two that were in use were full.  So that meant they needed to move another baby or 2 in there because of staffing (plus they might be getting a set of twins in soon). The charge nurse came and said they wanted to move Aubrey into that room and asked if we minded. I said no because it would be a lot less crowded and we'd have some privacy when I start trying to breastfeed.  So, they got everything unhooked and had the respiratory therapist there with the mobile oxygen and started moving her condo to the next room.  Well, while in route Aubrey must have refluxed and gone into an episode because she was an awful shade of blue as they rushed her into the room. None of the equipment was plugged in yet so they got the bag on her to give her some breaths manually.  I don't think I've ever seen her so blue.  It was awful.  Once she got over it and her bearings again, she was nice and pink and ok, but wow...she scared us.  A little bit of milk came out of her nose, so we know it had to be reflux that caused it.  Please pray she can get used to having the milk in her tummy and all the muscles and sphincters work right and she can get the reflux under control.

-Keli, worried mama

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