Is it December already? Where did November go? Where did 2012 go?? Wait, what day is it again? I never seem to know lately...
There seems to be a common theme with Aubrey's nurses, especially the ones that take care of her often. Yesterday, Aubrey's oxygen saturation was high, so the nurse came to turn her O2 down and watched the monitor for a minute to make sure things stayed ok. She said, "I don't trust you yet, little girl." The night nurse I talked to this morning said Aubrey's O2 stayed at 21-23% all night (very good), but that Aubrey went down a couple of times but brought herself back up. She said she watched her to make sure she didn't have to do anything to help...she didn't trust her. Poor Aubrey! So untrustworthy at such a young age! ;-) She's doing so much better, but her nurses know how quickly she can forget to take a deep breath and cause all her stats to drop like a rock and scare us all to death. They take such good care of her.
The night shift nurse forgot to get a weight, so I'll ask when I get to the hospital later. I know everyone's dying to know. Thanks to all who have prayed for growth this week--she has gained 8 ounces since Monday!
Well, Aubrey decided to have her one true episode for the last few days today...while I was holding her. Thanks, sweet pea. She was doing great on me--had a case of the hiccups and squeaked with each one--then she did her little turning blue thing and earned herself a trip back into her preemie condo. She did ok the rest of the afternoon; she de-satted lots of times, but she had a lot of goo in her throat that they kept having to suction out. We're wondering what's going to become of her broviac line in the next few day too--that's the IV that's going into her neck. It's only supposed to stay in about a month, and that month was up day before yesterday. She's eating so well that she may not need IV fluids any more soon; in that case, the line would come out. I suppose we'll find out more about that tomorrow. Her feet looked sort of puffy, but her nurse said that preemies retain fluid in cycles, and if they do it gathers in their hands, feet, or lungs (or all 3). Since she doesn't need any extra oxygen, it's not gathering in her lungs thankfully. The puffiness should go away on its own (she'll "pee it out" as the nurse put it). :)
I think Adam finally reached his limit stress-wise. I've been a little worried about him the last couple of days, but of course he's too big of a tough guy to talk about it. Thankfully he decided he didn't need to go to work tomorrow, just to let his brain rest and to spend some time with Aubrey.
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