
Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012


Another good night in the books for the baby girl.  No episodes..!!  She spit up a couple of times, but did well otherwise.  She's still at 2lb 10oz, but she gained 10 grams.  I hope she pops up to the next ounce soon and doesn't start leveling off in her growth.  She's gotta grow!

We're going to a Christmas party tonight for Adam's shift and the shift that works the same schedule as his.  There's a couple (the husband is on the other shift) who, we found out at a party during the summer, are pregnant with a little girl and have the exact same due date as I did.  I'm not exactly sure how my ragged emotions are going to react to seeing this sweet lady tonight...I hope I can hold it together and not burst into tears when I see how glowingly pregnant she is.  I don't think the pregnant women I know right now know how to behave around me.  I'm not mad at them--how could I be?--but I am jealous that they are trucking right along in their pregnancies while mine ended so early and abruptly.  I wish them only the absolute best; I would never want anyone to have to go through what we are going through now.  I guess, for tonight, I'll be putting on a brave that includes waterproof mascara.


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