
Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013


After three full diapers in a matter of a an hour or two, it's safe to say Aubrey's constipation run is over for now.  She was still uber-fussy last night, so I talked to some reliable NICU nurse friends (thank goodness for those) and we worked on remedying her tummy troubles.  She's been sleeping soundly since about 4 a.m., which, coincidentally, is when she had her first full diaper. 

She's still so noisy and wiggly when she sleeps.  Sometimes I think she's about to start wailing--she tunes up to cry and I peep over at her and she's still asleep.  How does she sleep through her own crying?  And that squeak of hers--good gracious.  I can hear it upstairs when she gets going and I have to keep some sort of white noise going so I can sleep.  No idea how she can keep snoozing through that either. 

Considering how noisy and smelly and how much work babies are, it's a good thing they're cute. :)


I placed her in the bed with her feet towards me...she flaps her legs up in the air and scoots herself around.


I finally got hold of one of the nurse practitioners at MCG/GRU/whatever that I like and asked him about feedings.  He said, "no one gave you a feeding plan for her?"  Um, no.  He said that she should go up by 5ml every Monday, and go ahead and add a bottle feeding to get to 3 per day.  He also said if she was still hungry/fussy after a tube feeding to put just a little in a bottle and give it to her and between the sucking and the food that would probably satisfy her.  I don't like her to be hungry!



  1. So glad someone was able to answer your question! Aubrey has gotten so big! And, I still call it MCG!!

    So glad y'all are home.
    Beth Neal

  2. SO irritating that they didn't give you a feeding plan! Hospitals...

    I'm just curious; what did they tell you to do for Aubrey's tummy troubles? Selah has been having a similar issue lately.

  3. well, they told us try the rectal thermometer for the constipation first to stimulate the area. that caused a little poo to vacate. but after several hours and no more poo, they said to try a glycerin suppository. i could only find adult ones, so i cut into fourths and that seemed to do the trick. we've given her Little Tummys gas drops a couple of times and it's seemed to help.

  4. I bet the rectal thermometer was popular with Miss Feisty Pants...we may have to try that with our little feisty one, though. She's been okay today (except for this evening, when she projectile vomited all over me for no apparent reason), but if she gets backed up again, we'll have to try that. Glad the Little Tummys works; we've been using generic simethicone, with some success, but I may try the Little Tummys, too. We have a very gassy little girl at our house. :)
