
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


We did it.  We survived the first night.  Here's a rundown: Get Aubrey's 6p.m. feeding going and get her medicines through the tube.  She projectile vomits formula about 7p.m. and seems perfectly pleased with herself.  Aubrey takes about half a bottle at 9p.m.  Is more awake after she stops taking the bottle than when she was trying to drink it.  We put the rest of her feeding in the tube.  She then proceeds to stay awake until about midnight.  The bottom floor of our house is just a big circle, so Adam held a fussy baby and paced around in loops singing a made up, pretty nonsensical (normal for Adam) lullaby.  It managed to put me right to sleep while I was sitting on the couch.  Aubrey took a little longer but finally knocked out during her midnight feeding.  Adam and I sleep on the couch instead of trying to get everything upstairs. Back up again at 1a.m. to cut the feeding pump off.  Back up at 2:45a.m. to get her 3a.m. feeding ready.  Back up at 4a.m. to cut the feeding pump off.  Back up at 5:45a.m. to get her 6a.m. feeding ready.  Realize she has gotten her feeding tube out of her nose in her sleep.  Come very close to dying of frustration.  Try to get tube back in.  Mad baby.  Monitor goes off because mad baby's heart rate gets too high. Tube kinked.  Say a prayer.  Adam tries, gets tube back in.  Start feeding.  Almost back asleep.  Phone beeps with a text.  Ignore it.  Snooze until pump goes off at 7a.m.  Turn off pump.  Adam sleeping, baby wide awake.  Pick up fussy baby.  Baby falls asleep on mama.  Mama manages to lay her down and keep her asleep.  Mama gets to eat cereal.  8:30a.m. get bottle ready for 9a.m.  Baby takes about half of bottle again.  Put rest through feeding pump.  Adam and baby both semi-asleep.  Mama leaves them downstairs and manages to get 20 minutes of exercise in and a shower.  Now, baby sleeping. Mama manages to get eye drops in baby without baby waking up.  Coffee.  Lots of coffee.

this is what I'll be doing today if you need to find me.

Aubrey is such a noisy sleeper!  Her laryngomalacia causes her to squeak on almost every intake of breath, plus she growls, grunts, groans, and sometimes cries in her sleep.  I'm glad we got to stay all night with her over the weekend--that night I jumped up to look at her with every noise.  Now I know that unless the noise continues she's still asleep. 

We'll get the hang of it all.  I think.



Things have gone pretty smoothly today for the most part.  We just got her medicine and her eye drops in her, and she took her entire bottle!  Yay!  I think the reason she did though, was because we woke her up good fashion by giving her a bath and a diaper change first.  She usually has the problem of getting sleepy while taking her bottle, but she does not approve of baths and therefore gets mad enough to be wide awake.

she likes the swing

that's a yawn, not a cry, I promise

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