
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Little miss was so sleepy yesterday evening...until about 10p.m.  Then she was awake until about 1a.m. apparently.  Poor Adam.  He sent me to bed at 10 and stayed up with her until he got me up to relieve him at 3a.m.  He's still asleep now, but I'm about to go wake him up because I NEED a shower.  Like, NEED.  It's pretty dire.  Anyway, Aubrey is still a little grumpy, but I'm thinking she's still not over her shots yesterday.  And she has some pretty audacious gas.  Poor kid.  More like her dad than we thought. ;)



Aubrey got to meet her cousins today!  My brother and sister in law and my parents stopped by for a few minutes so the boys could see Aubrey for the first time.  Aubrey slept through most of it, but Ephraim (5) and Josiah (18 months) seemed to like her a lot.  Ephraim just wanted to touch her, and Josiah kept pointing and saying, "baby! Baby!"  He liked to touch her hair too.  It was good to see all of them as I hadn't in a while.  We've basically just been lazy around the house today.  It's yucky outside, so it's a good day to snuggle a baby.  Well, it's always a good day, but you know what I mean.

the boys meet Aubrey

Aubrey sleeps through the meeting.

They seem to like her anyway. :)

2300 hours. 11 pm

Aubrey lays in my lap and goes to sleep.

But she got fussy when I came time for midnight meal. So much so I had to put her in the car seat and take her to the kitchen with me to get her food ready. And it took a while to change her diaper because she was crying so much.



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