
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013


I wish I could take away Feisty Pants' gas problems.  She just gets so upset when she's trying to work it out.  I don't like seeing her upset.  It makes me upset.  And now this stupid monitor is making us all upset.  We've had nothing but false alarms from it (or so we think), and it keeps beeping that the memory is full (it records the "events" so the doctor can look at them and see if they're for real) when it really isn't.  And it keeps beeping that Aubrey's heart rate is low when you can look at her and tell she's fine (moving her arms and legs around and awake).   And Adam noticed last night that the feeding pump isn't always giving Aubrey the full amount of food even though it says it is.  I'm thinking maybe that's the reason she hasn't gained weight, so we're going to talk to the equipment people today and try to get it all figured out.

Aside from all the annoying stuff, things are good.  I love just holding her and looking at her; doesn't matter if she's awake or asleep.  I see her little chest rise and fall so rhythmically and and think back to the days when I looked at her through the isolette glass and held my own breath while waiting for her next one to come.  She's come so far and is such a beautiful example of God's grace and provision.  Remind me of this when she's 3 and having an epic tantrum because I won't let her draw on the living room walls with crayons.

I have a prayer request for a friend that I've mentioned before.  Her twins were at University with Aubrey and were moved to MCG/GRU a little after us.  The little boy has gone home, but the little girl is still in the NICU with lung issues.  They put a trach in week before last but her breathing and oxygen levels have not gotten any better.  They did a CT scan and found that she has very little good lung tissue and are now looking at lung transplants.  I can't imagine the fear just that phrase has instilled in the little girl's parents.  Please pray that little Emma will get better or that a solution will be found for her, and for peace and comfort for her parents.



Well, we found out from the equipment company that the pump we have isn't supposed to be used for thicker formulas.  Nice.  We've had to restart it several times to make sure Aubrey got her entire feeding.  The pediatrician still wants us to come in tomorrow for a weight check, but we'll explain what's been going on.  Aubrey took about half her feeding from a bottle twice today.

Adam had to go do some work stuff this afternoon, so it was just Aubrey and I together all day.  She was a sleepy head for a lot of the day, but we had some time to talk and sing and hang out.  Who came up with this idea that you're supposed to sleep when the baby sleeps?  If you do that, when do you do everything else like laundry and exercising and making dinner and picking up the disaster that the house has become?


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