Last night she had two episodes and weighs 6lbs 3 ounces. Her feeding level has gone up and she was alert for a while.
We got here about 0800 this morning and she was wide awake so we got to see her move her eyes all around. She grabbed Keli's finger at one point and grabbed so hard her fingers turned white for a while. She hung on a while then let go. Keli stuck her pinky finger into Aubrey's mouth to practice sucking and she did a few times. She is learning. She bit Keli's finger hard several times. It was fun to watch.
It's been a total of 100 days since Keli was first admitted. Time has crawled by so fast.
1300 hours 1:00 pm
Dr just notified that we will not be transporting today. Argh.
Just talked to the NICU clerk, and she said the transport team called. She said, "I told them how upset y'all were!" It's not that we were mad at the transport team, really--we know they have emergencies, and if our baby was the emergency we'd want them to bump everybody else too. It's just that we had everything planned for Friday, then that got scrapped. Then we had everything planned for today--Adam even took the day off--and that got scrapped at the last minute. We had our hopes up and we had gotten our minds wrapped around leaving and then everything was up in the air again. The two hospitals are about 3 blocks apart, so we're having a tough time understanding why they couldn't just pop over and get her and be done with it in about an hour. I guess we aren't privy to all the info. Anyway, the transport team now says that they'll be there first thing in the morning, which means 8ish. We shall see.
Aubrey had a good day with no episodes. The nurse that had her today hadn't had her in a really long time, and she said when she unwrapped her this morning she couldn't believe it was the same baby because she was so big and filled out. Looking back at pictures of her when she was first born, we can't believe it's the same baby either. All the nurses are commenting on how awake and alert and interactive she is lately--she'll follow you with her eyes or turn her head towards someone that's talking or jump when there's a loud noise; all very good signs of development.
Let's hope tomorrow brings a peaceful transport!
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