
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2012


This whole situation is turning my brain to mush.  I was awakened 10 minutes after my alarm was supposed to go off this morning by Adam swinging back by the house for something.  The reason my alarm didn't go off?  I didn't set it.  Makes a difference in the whole going off thing.  *sigh*  Anyway, he had talked to the night nurse and she said Aubrey had 3 episodes last night.  She's not sure if she was refluxing.  If she wasn't, we have to figure out where these episodes are coming from.  Adam was going to take the afternoon off to go to the hospital with me and talk to the doctor, but his supervisor told him to go ahead and go.  So, he's spending the morning with her while I'm at work, then we'll go back later this afternoon.  I feel like a big weepy pile of crap.  Don't say "crap," Aubrey.  Oh yeah--she weighs 4lbs 3oz.

hanging out with daddy


She had a little better afternoon than yesterday, thankfully.  She did have one episode while we were there; the nurse turned her oxygen up and we had to rub her belly and her feet to get her going again.  She had another almost episode, but then didn't even de-sat for a really long time while I held her.  The doctor said that basically we have to wait the episodes out.  They are hoping she will outgrow them and the muscles that control the control the openings of the stomach and esophagus will develop and fix the reflux problem.  They started her back on an antacid to help with coating the stomach.

One of the nurses said that lots of times when babies get moved out of the condos and into a bassinet, people think that the baby should now act like a full term "normal" baby because they are "better."  I know better than that.  She will never act like a full term baby because she isn't.  She didn't have the luxury of developing fully in the environment that God designed for her and all babies.  She had to learn to use all of her systems while they basically were still unusable.  At the time she was born, her lungs weren't far enough along to really be any good and she still had to breathe with them.  Like I've said before, she's a miracle. 

thinking hard about something

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